Rep. Joaquin Castro Tweets List of San Antonio Trump Donors, Including Retirees

While Julian Castro is busy trying out-progressive the entire Democrat presidential field, his twin brother, Rep. Joaquin Castro is publicly shaming local business owners who made max contributions to Trump’s re-election campaign.

Tuesday, Castro’s campaign account tweeted:

Castro was applauded by radio show hosts and others:


Despite numerous requests to delete the tweet, Castro doubled down:

And kept digging:

At the risk of overplaying the This is Why We Have Trump™ card, This is Why We Have Trump™. Elected officials, who are elected to represent their constituency and work for the people, use their platform to intimidate, malign, and threaten the livelihoods of the people they’re supposed to be looking out for.

Worse still, Castro didn’t name them as individuals by name only, but associated them with the businesses they either own or in which they’re invested. It’s a clear attempt to attack local businesses and prompt calls for boycott because of political affiliation alone. A completely anti-American tactic through and through.

Senator Cornyn, for the win:

Tags: Joaquin Castro, Texas, Trump Derangement Syndrome