New York Prof Compares Trump to Hugo Chavez and FOX News to Venezuelan Press

For the left, the Obama presidency and all of the slobbering media that went with it, never happened.

Campus Reform reports:

Prof compares Trump to Hugo Chavez, Venuzualan press to Fox NewsA New York anthropology professor said that President Donald Trump’s attitude toward the press is much like that which Hugo Chavez had toward the Venezuelan press, and asserted that the practices of Fox News mirror those of the Venezuelan press during the dictator’s rule.Union College Assistant Professor Robert Samet recently released a book, titled Deadline: Populism and the Press in Venezuela, in which he argued that “Venezuela’s punitive turn was not the product of a dictatorship,” but instead of “practices and institutions normally associated with democracy.”In an interview published by the college, Samet relates the political charge of Venezuelan media to Fox News and compares Trump to Hugo Chavez.Samet says he was driven to write the book by his interest in “the relationship between journalism, democracy, and political mobilization.”The professor argues that the demise of Venezuela can be in part attributed to the “danger of populism” and “specific practices that fuel populist mobilization.”“There is no question that crime was a severe problem in Venezuela. Instead of trying to solve the problem, Venezuela’s opposition—figures like Leopoldo López and Juan Guaidó—used the media to mobilize dissent against the government of President Hugo Chávez,” Samet explains.Samet then compares Trump’s treatment of the American media to Chavez’s treatment of Venezuelan media, saying the two “drew on a similar repertoire of rhetorical tactics.”

Tags: College Insurrection, New York, Trump Derangement Syndrome