Joe Biden 2020: Totally Not Senile or Too Old

The argument for Joe Biden’s candidacy for president is coming into focus. His mind is adequate. He’s 76 years young. You have nothing to worry about, America. Really.

A few months ago, I highlighted the game the media and Democrats played with John McCain’s age in 2008.

This Politico piece by Marc Caputo takes things to a whole new level:

We talked to experts on aging about the 2020 field. Here’s what they told us.Joe Biden was lying on the operating table and about to get surgery for his second brain aneurysm when the doctor told him he might not recover.“What’s the most likely thing that will happen if I live?” Biden asked him. “Well,” the doctor replied, “the side of the brain that the first aneurysm is on controls your ability to speak.”That’s when the gaffe-prone Biden thought to himself: “Why in the hell didn’t they tell me this before the ’88 campaign?’ It could’ve saved us all a lot of trouble, you know what I mean?”That joke, which Biden told in a speech in 2013, has taken on new relevance now that he’s on the campaign trail for president again and facing questions about his gaffes. Though Biden has a longstanding reputation for verbal flubs, they’re now inextricably linked to the 76-year-old’s age.But concerns about Biden’s age and mental fitness are likely overblown, according to experts on aging and the brain, as well as actuarial tables used by the insurance industry to estimate the health and longevity of customers.

The article even includes this super-reassuring quote from the doctor who performed surgery on Biden for two brain aneurysms in 1988:

“He is every bit as sharp as he was 31 years ago. I haven’t seen any change,” Kassell said. “I can tell you with absolute certainty that he had no brain damage, either from the hemorrhage or from the operations that he had. There was no damage whatsoever.”

See? There’s no reason for worry.

If you’re still not convinced, you should listen to his wife Jill.

Cortney O’Brien reports at Townhall:

Jill Biden’s Attempt to Campaign For Her Husband BackfiresCampaign trail spouses want to support their husband or wife who’s running for higher office, but sometimes they do more harm than good. The latest example of this is Jill Biden’s attempt to explain why voters should choose her husband in the 2020 presidential election.She admitted on Monday in front of a group of New Hampshire teachers that some of his opponents may have better ideas, but in the end it’s all about electability, and Biden’s got it. Meaning, you may have to “swallow a little bit” and vote for him.

Watch Jill Biden’s remarks below:

That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement, but it’s more than Biden has gotten from the president he served for eight years, so there’s that.

Let’s not forget that this is the same party which has repeatedly questioned Trump’s mental health.

What double standard?

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Democrats, Joe Biden, Media Bias