Baltimore Sun shamefully questions motives of conservative activist who organized trash clean-up

The American media has really plumbed the depths of new lows this week.

Take, for instance, the story of conservative activist and social media maven Scott Presler.

In the wake of the ginned-up controversy surrounding President Donald Trump’s tweets about Baltimore and the political and press hysteria over the remarks, Presler used his internet star power and persuasion to organize a clean-up of the Congressman Elijah Cummings’ district.

An ardent supporter of President Donald Trump marshaled about 70 people Monday for a community cleanup in West Baltimore.Scott Presler, whose Twitter handle is “ThePersistence”, first suggested the cleanup in a Twitter post that has since gone viral. The Pennsylvania man said the effort is not a “pro-Trump rally or an anti-Rep. [Elijah] Cummings” event, referring to the Baltimore congressman who Trump took aim at in tweets and remarks more than a week ago.

After organizing supplies, refreshments, and dump trucks, Presler led a group of about 200 in the clean-up efforts on August 5. They removed about 12 tons of trash that day.

However, it seems no good deed can go unpunished if it involves Trump in some way. The Baltimore Sun offered a snark-filled assessment of Presler’s efforts.

…Whatever he says his motives were, Mr. Presler’s presence in Baltimore reinforces the tired image of our failing urban cores. That the poor people in this dilapidated city can’t take care of their own neighborhoods and all the public officials around them have failed as well. The bureaucratic, all-talk Democrats strike again. If a crowd of volunteers could clean up 12 tons of trash in 12 hours, how incompetent and helpless must Baltimoreans be if they can’t manage it in decades, right?Amazingly enough, Mr. Presler is not the first one to come up with the bright idea of a neighborhood cleanup. It is not really that remarkable of a concept. In fact, they happen all the time. Sadly, it doesn’t take long for people (frequently from outside the community) to refill the alleyways with illegal dumping and for grass to grow again in front of vacant buildings with no resident available to tend the lawn. Does Mr. Presler know that drug dealers use trash to hide their product and have been known to threaten people who try to clean it up? The solutions are just not that simple.

I’ll offer a possible explanation of both the paper’s shameful minimization of Presler’s efforts and the hysteria over “white supremacy” that has been the focus of the American press since the slaughters in El Paso and Dayton: Black support for Trump has recently been as high as 34% (Hat-tip Leesa K. Donner and Don Surber).

Here is the Rasmussen Report as of August 2:

Like most Republicans, Trump has struggled to attract black voters, but this week’s surveying for the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll has found a bump in black support for the president. Even with the +/-9 margin of error for the smaller sample, it’s a bump that has held up nearly all week.

Therefore, this increasing support among one of the Democrats’ most reliable voting base must be quickly aborted using the most drastic methods possible. Presler’s efforts on behalf of Baltimore’s citizens is harshing the new media narrative.

There is some good news for those of us in California. Presler is coming in September. I hope he can help, before we devolve from the Medieval Period of public health to that of the Late Bronze Age.

Tags: Maryland, Media Bias