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Trump’s tweets have Democrats defending and supporting …

Trump’s tweets have Democrats defending and supporting …


I’ve been more than a little distracted the last few days, so I haven’t been able to follow the news cycle (aka Trump’s Twitter feed) quite as closely as the rest of the internet.

My takeaway from glimpses of the fighting is that Trump has Democrats defending and supporting:

1. The anti-Semites and socialists of The Squad.

2. Race hustler, shakedown artist, and hoaxster Al Sharpton.


3. Politicians whose malfeasance and neglect created abysmal living conditions for poor blacks in Baltimore.

Do I have this right?

How much is Trump paying them to do this? Because certainly they wouldn’t do it for free.

[Featured Image: Documentary about Tawana Brawley hoax]


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notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | July 29, 2019 at 8:40 pm

Think you got it correct.

Can’t wait until President Trump Tweets about this so the Democrat Party can start defending ISIS.

“Two Somali refugees in the U.S. have been arrested for conspiring to provide material support to ISIS.”

But when did Democrats ever stop defending slimeballs like Al Sharpton?

    MajorWood in reply to pst314. | July 30, 2019 at 10:35 am

    Sharpton’s downfall was caused by the very same bodycams that he insisted be used. Turns out that they showed there was nothing there. oooops!

It’s been hilarious.
Trump tweets in response to the racist claims that it should also include Bernie for his remarks on Baltimore being third world status.
Then you also get Pugh on a video saying:

FLASHBACK: Fox 45 news report in September 2018 with Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh:

Mayor Pugh:

“What the hell? We should just take all this shit down.”

“Whoa, you can smell the rats.”

He’s also got them to defend rat infestation and MS-13 among other great causes.

    snopercod in reply to Jingo. | July 30, 2019 at 7:21 am

    Someone on Twitter proposed that Trump oppose the storming of Area 51. “I just want to see twenty-odd democrat candidates naruto running across the desert”. (Yeah, I had to look up naruto running, too.)

OwenKellogg-Engineer | July 29, 2019 at 9:22 pm

Steven Hayward at Powerlineblog hit it on the head with TRUMP AS “CRAZY EDDIE”

Strike your opponent at their strength, and their whole structure collapses. All they have to operate on is Orange Man Bad, because Racism. Isolate that premise, be forced to defend the fallacy that it’s built on, and crush it mercilessly. What else do the Democrats have to run on that has any weight?

“Reverend Reginald Bacon [aka Rev. Al] is a corrupt, cynically self-promoting black social justice leader who organizes public protests and sets in motion the media frenzy surrounding the case of Henry Lamb. Bacon’s motive is to profit by helping Lamb’s mother sue Sherman McCoy and the hospital in the civil courts. Bacon claims to be a crusader against racism, but he actually benefits greatly by fanning the flames of racial hatred. Bacon owns and controls a variety of so-called non-profits with positive-sounding names, such as the All People’s Solidarity, the Open Gates Employment Coalition, and the Third World Anti-Defamation League. All of these organizations are really just arms of his far-reaching political power. Bacon is adept at working the system in order to get rich, and his name is a reference to all the “pork-barrel” money he extorts from those in power.”

These Ds are so stupid. DJT chums the water with the truth (though the Ds think it’s offal and awful), and every time, they bite.

    Kepha H in reply to pfg. | July 30, 2019 at 11:19 am

    He’s a prosperity gospel preacher, only he invokes “social justice” instead of “Jesus”. I put both in quotes because I wonder what both kinds of prosperity preachers actually believe.

This corrupt, Jew-hating, tax cheat swine should drop dead. And soon.

Cleaning the swamp is not a easy task, and not for the faint of heart. There is only one Trump, just as there was only one Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, and the like. His work is just beginning. And MAN, has he pulled the rug out from under the left, the GOPe and the rest of the scum that lies underneath it.

Good news: Mike Pompeo might run in 2024.

Btw, considering the scum that is al sharpton: scummy minds think alike (if they think at all):

I think they’re also defending rats. The four-legged kind.

BerettaTomcat | July 29, 2019 at 10:31 pm

And, GOPe supporter, neocon Bill Kristol, jumps on board with the media and Democrats:

Somewhere I read a comment that said ‘the Dems are like cats and Trump has a laser pointer’. So funny!

    Well, considering the likes of sharpton and cummings – they’re more like rats than cats.

    WestRock in reply to MrE. | July 30, 2019 at 7:42 am

    I couldn’t resist!

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to MrE. | July 30, 2019 at 8:31 am

    Way back before laser pointers even existed, a physicist neighbor of mine brought home a laser device from his lab. It has a power supply about the size of a desk dictionary, and the cord to the laser itself was about 6 feet long. The laser “barrel” was about the size of a paper towel core.

    We discovered that his cat was captivated by the red dot on the floor. We steered that cat all over the place, and then we made another discovery: get his cat revved up enough, and he could go at least five or six feet up a wall before figuring out this was Not A Good Idea.

You got it right. Cesspools are usually shallow.

Why do so many people unironically call him “the reverend”. It’s an adjective, not a professional title like “Dr”, and it should only be applied to people who actually are worthy of reverence. Sharpton should be referred to as “the despicable Al Sharpton”.

    Tom Servo in reply to Milhouse. | July 30, 2019 at 8:38 am

    And the word “reverend” is now used almost exclusively by people who are otherwise shrieking “separation of church and state!!!” and who despise religion completely. The word, in the way they use it, is a complete and total fraud.

    Mac45 in reply to Milhouse. | July 30, 2019 at 11:55 am

    Al Sharpton is reportedly an ordained Pentecostal and Baptist minister; or he was at one time. He continues to use the title, largely for federal tax incentives and to bolster his stature in the African American community. Historically, ordained ministers have enjoyed an elevated position in the African American community. This is why so many hucksters have claimed that title, over the years.

      Milhouse in reply to Mac45. | July 30, 2019 at 4:51 pm

      My understanding of Christian protocol is that “reverend” is not a title per se, but an adjective that should be used for a clergyman. In other words one does not refer to him as “Reverend Smith” but as “the reverend Mr Smith”, or “the reverend gentleman”. Thus, while a despicable doctor is still “Dr”, because that is his title, a despicable clergyman is not reverend and should not be referred to as such, just as a short person is not referred to as tall.

      Of course I stand open to correction by those more familar with these protocols.

        Mac45 in reply to Milhouse. | July 30, 2019 at 7:55 pm

        Ethnic and regional colloquialisms rule our language. While a clergyman SHOULD be addressed as The Right Reverend [insert name], southern Americans, as well as the Black Community have long used the term Reverend as a title for a Protestant clergyman, especially one who leads a congregation.

        Over the last 50 years, several hucksters and confidence men, in the Black community, have used the title Reverend to give themselves increased standing and credibility.

Comanche Voter | July 30, 2019 at 6:26 am

You might also add “judgment dodger” to Sharpton’s list of “accomplishments”. I think he still hasn’t paid that $4 million judgment for defamation in the Tawana Bradley matter.

I am more convinced than ever the plan for 2020 is for a communist takeover of the Democratic Party. The Dem establishment cannot extricate itself from Hillary’s futile #resistance campaign presenting a huge opening for the well-organized and funded commie radicals.

The main tactic of The Squad is to turn up the volume on Pelosi’s impeachment kabuki and exploit TDS even if for no other purpose than it will bring about the very event that will destroy the Dem establishment: Trump’s landslide re-election. Then it’s on to 2024 where so far, neither party has presented a viable candidate. We are heading for even greater chaos if Trump doesn’t put the GOP squishes out of business.

Let’s see if a 2020 landslide can deliver a Republican house cleaning. They can’t possibly continue to circle the Romney Company wagons to protect THESE Dems.

Voter disgust with the corrupt uniparty is why we elected Trump in the first place. It was very rational. But the way things are going so far, 2024 looks like we may have to choose between outright communism and a Republican party squishier than ever. There will be no rational choice. So what will have been the point of all of this turmoil if Trump fails to win the existential battle beneath it all?

Trump absolutely MUST win in 2020 and then clean house. Let’s use 2020 to help by ridding ourselves of as many squishes as we can.

The news is controlled by the media business model, which needs clicks to pay the bills. So outrage and the entertainment needs of the outrage audience always lead.

There’s no actual market for hard news (think city council meetings). So outrage is what you get.

Trump plays to that business model. The dems, who free-ride on the media business model, don’t actually control it, and sometimes it doesn’t go the way they’d prefer. Trump is careful to arrange that as often as possible.

The media audince is mostly soap opera women, a gold mine discovered with Jessica in the Well in 1987. It hasn’t changed since then. Soap opera women are a minority, 40% of women, but big enough a minority to pay the daily bills.

News had been a network public service until the 70s and then had to survive as a profit center. So profit seeking is what you get.

OrJustThink | July 30, 2019 at 8:21 am

I voted for Trump and would again. That said, his twitter account is an embarrassment I find myself needing to defend everyday. He has as much drama control as a 14 year old girl, and our country, and his presidency, would both be “greater” if he would just leave off the social media. It makes him look petty, and uneducated.

    You don’t get it. Trump’s tweeting is how he drives the news cycle. It’s how he forced the uniparty and media to drop their masks. Every time he tweets, heads explode behind the masks. It’s been a revelation.

    It is how he bypasses the fake news media to communicate directly to US. Do you actually prefer the nicely packaged phonies who would never risk upsetting liberals? We’ve been clamoring for a fighter for as long as I can remember and we finally found one. If you don’t get it by now, what is wrong with you?

      Tom Servo in reply to Pasadena Phil. | July 30, 2019 at 8:41 am

      George Bush was the President who never answered any criticism, always wanted to be “nice”, and look what that got him. How many Democrats ever said “oh look at that Bush guy, he is always civil, he tries to be so nice, we really respect that in a President and we will work with him because of that.”

      Is there ever one democrat in this country who said that? You know the answer.

      We tried being “nice”. We saw what it got. And This is how you get Trump.

        artichoke in reply to Tom Servo. | July 30, 2019 at 4:52 pm

        Also, that’s because GHWB was more or less a member of the uniparty. His “compassionate conservatism” was a name for a sort of policy diarrhea.

    scaulen in reply to OrJustThink. | July 30, 2019 at 9:09 am

    You don’t have to defend Trump’s twitter feed. When ever I’m called out to defend a statement of his I just say talk to the man, I didn’t tweet it. Then I reply with what did he say that was inaccurate? Make them defend their anger then the debate is on. He’s a grown ass man and doesn’t need help defending himself. What he does need is people on his side to help call out the fake racism and pearl clutching of the Dems and GOPe. Keep forcing them to defend their indefensible positions. Keep them on their heels, keep them chasing the laser pointer instead of figuring out a coherent strategy.

    Barry in reply to OrJustThink. | July 30, 2019 at 11:01 am

    “I voted for Trump and would again.”

    No, you didn’t. You’re just another drive by prog that thinks we’ll believe your lies.

    Trumps tweets are truth. You progs don’t like the truth.

2smartforlibs | July 30, 2019 at 8:36 am

Interesting how not on liberal is fixing the issue but everyone runs to the mic to complain. The city has been under the liberal jack boto for 52 years.

    amatuerwrangler in reply to 2smartforlibs. | July 30, 2019 at 10:43 am

    They are not into fixing problems, only exploiting them for their own purposes, which usually boils down to political power.

    DJT put up a solution to the “immigration” and “dreamer” problems 2 years ago. The Dems immediately opposed the solution that mirrored something they had pushed when Obama was President; they needed the problem to mobilize the hispanic vote and they could not allow DJT to get something necessary done.

    CaliforniaJimbo in reply to 2smartforlibs. | July 30, 2019 at 12:54 pm

    Baltimore was able to take down all of their confederate statues in one night. The trash on the streets remains.

amatuerwrangler | July 30, 2019 at 10:28 am

I saw a story leed someplace saying “His Tweets are Trump’s laser pointer, the DNC and Media are the cat”.

Except for the DNC-media redundancy, they got it right.

“3. Politicians whose malfeasance and neglect created abysmal living conditions for poor blacks in Baltimore.”

Pick a TV show (The Wire) that most Millennials have watched, and depicts an inner city’s squalor and political corruption, knowing that these images are planted in their minds already. Find a politician who’s wife is under investigation in that same city. Put them together and make a “controversial” tweet. Watch them self destruct.

The Democrat Party desperately needs the backing of the Black community. Without the backing of 90% of the Black voters, they lose. It is a critical voting block for them.

So, when Trump points out, correctly, that a majority black area, represented by a Black Democrat and Black Democrat local politicians, this gets the heads, of the Black people who live there, nodding in agreement. And, it gets worse for the Dems, if Blacks and other minorities get to looking around their own Democrat controlled sh**hole neighborhoods and start wondering about their living conditions. The driving force behind getting votes is being able to answer the voter’s question, “What have you done for me, lately?”.

The Democrat Party desperately needs the backing of the Black community. Without the backing of 90% of the Black voters, they lose. It is a critical voting block for them.

So, when Trump points out, correctly, that a majority black area, represented by a Black Democrat and Black Democrat local politicians is a sh**hole, this gets the heads, of the Black people who live there, nodding in agreement. And, it gets worse for the Dems, if Blacks and other minorities get to looking around their own Democrat controlled sh**hole neighborhoods and start wondering about their living conditions. The driving force behind getting votes is being able to answer the voter’s question, “What have you done for me, lately?”.

I recently learned from an eye-witness that Sharpton’s role in Crown Heights was not limited to addressing the mob and whipping them up to further violence. He personally participated in the violence, throwing rocks at Jews. I don’t think this has ever been reported anywhere.