Three UK Labour Lawmakers Resign Over Party’s ‘Institutional Antisemitism’

Three senior UK lawmakers in the upper house of the parliament have resigned from the Labour Party over its ‘institutional Antisemitism.’ David Triesman, party’s former general secretary, Ara Darzi, former British health minister, and Leslie Turnberg, announced their resignation on Tuesday.

Triesman wrote in his resignation letter that the Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour Party was “no longer a safe political environment for Jews or other opponents of antisemitism. It is time to recognize the reality.” He also accused Corbyn and his top aides of being antisemitic.

The resignations by senior members come ahead of a much-anticipated TV documentary on Antisemitism within the Labour party, which is “expected to feature leaked documents” showing how Corbyn personally intervened to prevent disciplinary action against party members accused of Antisemitism, the UK’s Daily Express disclosed. Some “half a dozen ex-employees have torn up non-disclosure agreements” to speak out in the documentary, London-based Sunday Times reported.

British newspaper The Independent covered the high-profile resignations:

Three Labour peers have resigned the party whip in protest against Jeremy Corbyn‘s handling of antisemitism, in a fresh blow to the Labour leader ahead of a new documentary on the issue.David Triesman, a former Labour general secretary, Ara Darzi, an ex-health minister, and Leslie Turnberg all said they would no longer sit as Labour peers.Lord Triesman accused Jeremy Corbyn and his inner circle of being “antisemitic” and said Labour was “no longer a safe political environment for Jewish people”. (…)In his resignation letter, Lord Triesman, who served as Labour’s general secretary from 2001 to 2013, said the party was “institutionally antisemitic”.He said: “My sad conclusion is that the Labour Party is very plainly institutionally antisemitic, and its leader and his circle are antisemitic, having never once made the right judgement call about an issue reflecting deep prejudice. The number of examples is shocking.“It is no longer a safe political environment for Jewish people or other opponents of antisemitism. It it time to recognise the reality. I always said it was worth hanging on to fight so long as there was a prospect of winning. I now don’t believe with this leadership there is.”

Corbyn has a long-standing association with Arab and Islamist terrorist organizations. In a 2009 speech, he famously described Islamic terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah as his “friends.” Last August, Daily Mail uncovered photographs showing him placing a wreath at the graves of Arab terrorists who killed eleven Israeli team members at the 1972 Olympics.

Merely three days after the 2005 Islamist suicide bombings in London, Corbyn spoke at a ‘peace rally’ declaring that jihadists were killing British citizens “because of the way we inflict an insecurity on so many other people around the world.”

Since winning the Labour leadership bid in 2015, he has surrounded himself with Communists and figures from the Far-Left. Many of them have been his longtime political allies and associates. He has also associated himself with the UK-based Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), an organization that according to some UK media reports received Soviet-funding in the Cold War days. He still serves as the vice president of the group.

Despite his chequered past, the mainstream media has embraced Corbyn and his socialist agenda. “Get Ready for Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn,” New York Times declared in 2017. CNN calls him a leader who has “an unashamedly socialist plan to transform Britain.”

With Corbyn at the helm, many antisemites in the Labour rank and file feel emboldened to attack Jewish members and party officials. The atmosphere within the Labour has turned so bad that Jewish MP Luciana Berger needed police protection to attend last year’s party conference. In March, the country’s official watchdog, Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), opened a formal inquiry into the spiraling Antisemitism in the Labour party.

While Corbyn has sympathies for terrorist groups, he has shown little concern for the plight of the Jewish minority in Britain. He hired a close associate, Shami Chakrabarti, to look into Antisemitism within the party. The ‘investigation’ found no proof of deep-seated Antisemitism. The British weekly Spectator described the 2016 reports as a “whitewash” which “absolved the party and leadership from any responsibility.”

Corbyn’s anti-Western stance has earned him support from certain quarters of the country’s growing immigrant Muslim population. Under his leadership, the Labour party has reconciled the old-school Marxism with the resurging Islamism. The growing Antisemitism is merely a product of the much-feted ‘transformation’ Corbyn has undertaken.

[Cover image via YouTube]

Tags: Antisemitism, Britain, Jeremy Corbyn, Palestinian Terror