No, the Trump Administration Did Not Delay the Harriet Tubman $20 Bill Redesign

The mainstream media continues stretching the truth to blame every little thing on Trump and ignoring any missteps made by their messiah President Barack Obama.

The left and mainstream media ran with the narrative that Trump’s administration delayed putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. The truth remained buried, which has led Obama officials to remind people that his administration caused the redesign delay.

Three officials from Obama’s administration, including one who from President George Bush’s administration who stayed on with Obama, told The Washington Post that they delayed the redesign (emphasis mine):

In 2016, President’s Obama Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said a “final concept design” of the Tubman $20 would be released in 2020. He asked the government to accelerate the process of the redesign, saying the new look would be released by 2020, the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote.But inside the agency, some government officials doubted that deadline could be met. A confidential 2013 report by the Advanced Counterfeit Deterrence committee, an interagency group that oversees the redesign of U.S. currency, said the $20 would not enter circulation until 2030, similar to the timeline announced by the Trump administration, according to Larry R. Felix, director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing from 2006 to 2015.

Of course, the WaPo could not help but take shots at the Trump administration. The article states that Secretary of Treasury Steven “Mnuchin has not shown the enthusiasm for putting Tubman on the $20 that his predecessor did — and Trump has previously dismissed the effort.”

So freaking what? I would love to have Tubman on the $20 bill. Not only is she an American hero, but anyone who knows Andrew Jackson’s opinions on the central bank knows the irony of him being on US currency.

For crying out loud, back in January, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) even launched a probe into the delay of the Tubman design.

Tags: Obama administration, Trump Administration