Ladies of The View Turn on AOC and the Other ‘Justice Democrats’

The ongoing feud between Nancy Pelosi and her far-left freshman upstarts has caused something amazing to happen. The ladies of The View have lost patience with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the “squad” after Ocasio-Cortez played the race card.

Sam Dorman reports at FOX News:

‘View’ tells AOC, others Dems to respect Pelosi after racism accusation: ‘More BS’It seems Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might’ve gone too far this time — so much so that even some of the biggest Democrat defenders on television have turned on her…On “The View” Thursday, the hosts — especially Whoopi Goldberg — had some tough words for AOC and the rest of her “squad” amid the increasingly bitter feud…”I think this is more BS,” Goldberg said after mentioning the race accusation. Goldberg was annoyed that younger lawmakers were criticizing how effective Pelosi, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and other older Democrats had been in effecting change.”I don’t know about going to race right away — it’s like really? that’s where you go right away? I thought that that was a bit much, frankly.”Goldberg also knocked freshmen for their apparent lack of compromise. “Women of color, watch me now. Let’s keep this in mind, do you think Nancy Pelosi wanted to pass a half-assed bill? No, the moderates were the problem and I would say to these women.” She appeared to be referring to the border funding bill that fueled a lot of the controversy surrounding Ocasio-Cortez and others in the party.She added that if Ocasio-Cortez and others did not try to reach out and persuade moderates, they shouldn’t complain about legislation. “If you’re not going to do that, you’re not allowed to b—h about this.”

Joy Behar still manages to get in several outrageous anti-Trump insults, but this video is worth watching because it represents a shift in public opinion. When AOC and company have lost “The View” you know something has changed:

Ed Morrissey of Hot Air made this observation:

Meghan McCain at first channeled the delight of nearly everyone on the right by saying she wanted Democrats to “fight it out,” but circled around to defending Pelosi as a civil servant worthy of respect. Missing from this entire conversation, though, was a recognition or even a mention of the Democratic habit of tossing race cards at their critics and why AOC’s attempt to play it on Pelosi is hardly surprising. That was an opportunity that unfortunately passed, but at least this is good for another few minutes of popcorn-passing.

This all stems from an interview AOC gave to the Washington Post in which she accused Nancy Pelosi of singling out “women of color” which was so obviously a not-so-thinly veiled accusation of racism.

In this short clip from The Hill, AOC tries to backtrack using a claim of death threats, and when asked if she thinks Pelosi harbors any racial animus, she responds with a big no:

AOC and her crew are burning through good will at an alarming pace. It’s ironic to see someone like Whoopi Goldberg and others finally coming face to face with the monster they helped create.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Media, Progressives, Rashida Tlaib