Judge Dismisses Lawsuit from College Student Hit by Car While Protesting Trump
“case was officially dismissed without prejudice on May 26, court documents show”

In November of 2016 right after the election, students at UC San Diego tried to take over a freeway at night while protesting Trump. A girl was hit by a car and then tried to sue the school. A judge just told her that’s not going to fly.
The College Fix reports:
Court dismisses lawsuit filed by student hit by vehicle during anti-Trump freeway protest
A judge has tossed out a personal injury lawsuit filed by a young woman who sued UC San Diego and others after she was hit by a vehicle as she protested the election of Donald Trump in the middle of a busy San Diego freeway.
The San Diego Superior Court has issued a notice of dismissal against Maria Ana Carrola Flores’ case, according to court documents obtained by The College Fix.
Flores, reportedly a UCSD student at the time of the November 2016 incident, partly blamed campus officials in her lawsuit, alleging Resident Advisors had effectively organized the protest by encouraging it, therefore campus officials shared responsibility for her injuries.
Her case was officially dismissed without prejudice on May 26, court documents show.
Reached for comment, her attorney Jerold Sullivan told The College Fix that the outcome was “a tragedy” and that the case will not be refiled.
“The person that ran her over did not have insurance and is judgement proof with no assets. Ms. Flores is left with no recourse for catastrophic physical injuries and a lifetime of medical expenses,” he said.
UCSD declined to comment to The College Fix…
The lawsuit, filed in 2017, named as defendants the UC system Board of Regents, the city and county of San Diego, the driver of the vehicle, and UC San Diego.
But late last year, Sullivan had filed an amended complaint that did not name the city and county of San Diego as defendants after a judge ruled the two entities bore no responsibility in the case, the UCSD Guardian reported.
Sullivan has noted that Flores never saw herself as completely fault-free in the accident, yet others listed in the lawsuit should be required to bear some of the responsibility.

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Reached for comment, her attorney Jerold Sullivan said that Ms. Flores has been left with no recourse for her catastrophically stupid decisions and the consequences of those decisions. “My client was tragically deprived of her fundamental right to blame other people for her injuries. I can think of nothing more central to justice and my personal income stream than the ability to seek out others and make them pay for my clients’ completely inanity.”
Wow! Just wow.
Let’s go play on the freeway. What could go wrong?
“Flores’ attorney Gene Sullivan on Nov. 8, 2017, Sullivan argued that the city was at fault because it, along with UCSD and the UC Regents, failed to control the protest and did not properly warn the demonstrators of or protect them from the dangers of entering the freeway.” from http://ucsdguardian.org/2018/09/30/judge-rules-favor-city-lawsuit-ucsd-student-struck-car-protest/
++ “did not properly warn the demonstrators of or protect them from the dangers of entering the freeway” ++
Her attorney argued that the city and university were responsible to “properly” warn the demonstrators and protect them from the dangers of entering the freeway.”
Was her attorney even a little embarrassed arguing that?
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. My mother told me not to play in traffic when I was a wee lad!
“Ms. Flores is left with no recourse for catastrophic physical injuries and a lifetime of medical expenses,” he said.”
Wow. A night of childish stupidity reaps a lifetime of anguish.
This “protest” took place well after midnight. The students walking on the freeway were not visible to drivers in cars traveling at freeway speed in the dark. It was inevitable that someone would be injured.
If a student is smart enough to be admitted to the University of California, the student should be smart enough to know better than to walk on the freeway at night.
I bet her lawyer isn’t working on a 40% contingency.
Plow down a few more of them and I’ll bet that silly sh*t stops.
Lessons accompanied by pain are lessons indeed.
Maybe she’ll protest Trump at the edge of a volcano. Just as it erupts.
Good. Stupidity should hurt.
Now there is irony. Hit by an illegal alien.
Let’s go out on the freeway and protest the election! That will show them!
The illegal alien that hit her ought to sue her for any damage to the vehicle and for pain and suffering.