Far Left 2020 Democrat Candidates Lead Among College Students

Is anyone surprised by this? When Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren promise free college, they’re speaking to part of their base.

Campus Reform reports:

POLL: Biden may be ahead nationally, but far-left candidates lead the pack on college campusesA new poll finds that Democrat candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are the most supported within the party after the recent set of debates.College Pulsepolled 1,500 college students directly after the second night of the Democrat debate on whom they preferred to receive the nomination for the upcoming 2020 presidential election. Sanders and Warren garnered the majority of votes, receiving 28 and 23 percent of the total, respectively.Twenty-six percent of college students polled reported that they tuned in to the Democrat debates, which far exceeds the 4.5 percent of the overall American public that watched.The recent poll findings seem to affirm the claim that younger voters are becoming more and more left-wing, supporting platforms that resemble socialism, like taxpayer-funded healthcare and increased taxes on wealthy Americans.“Colleges and universities have severely underprepared non-STEM college students since higher education has moved further and further to the left,” Joel Valdez, former College Republicans member at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, told Campus Reform.“This lack of proper preparation for the real world makes college students prime victims to the false song of socialism,” Valdez, a former Campus Reform correspondent who currently interns at the Leadership Institute, Campus Reform’s parent company, added. “No wonder the top socialist candidates are leading with underprepared members of society.”

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, College Insurrection, Progressives