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Employees at Michigan State Must Pay $75 to Attend Multicultural Self-Awareness Event

Employees at Michigan State Must Pay $75 to Attend Multicultural Self-Awareness Event

“Organizers are structuring the learning experience to address awareness of “prejudice, discrimination, and oppression”

Have you noticed that the progressive agenda is so popular that it always has to be mandatory?

Campus Reform reports:

MSU employees ‘expected’ to pay $75 for ‘multicultural self-awareness’ workshop

A Michigan State University college is holding a two-day “multicultural self-awareness” event Tuesday and Wednesday for all employees at a cost of $75.

MSU Extension, a branch of the MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) will run its “Multicultural Self-Awareness Workshop,” exploring “feelings and values from a multicultural perspective.” Non-MSU Extension employees can attend if they pay $150, with MSU noting that attendance is “expected” from MSU Extension employees at $75 admission.

MSU Extension is designed to bring knowledge from MSU directly to “individuals, communities, and businesses.” Its programming focuses on agriculture, business, food and health, and other subjects.

The program will focus on “differences rather than similarities” and participants are urged to refrain from “phone calls, meetings, and other interruptions” during the workshop.

Organizers are structuring the learning experience to address awareness of “prejudice, discrimination, and oppression,” which includes racism, classism, sexism, ableism, and heterosexism.

MSU held a similar program addressing racism in May. It was titled “Raising White Kids: An Anti-Racism Conversation for All of Us,” and included discussion on “white silence.”

Another aim of the program is to stifle individuals’ alleged tendency to see “differences within a monocultural view of ‘better than/less than’ thinking.”


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Is it even legal to make employees pay to attend a mandatory self-criticism seminar outside of Mao’s Cultural Revolution?

That would be a big NOPE

participants are urged to refrain from “phone calls, meetings, and other interruptions” during the workshop.

So it’s going to be a mind-bending experience where they don’t want you to have a few minutes to decompress and gather your thoughts, to be able to counter the barrage of half-truths and lies they’re putting you through.

It might also be behavioral i.e. you’re not just allowed to sit in your seats, but you have to get up, move around, follow orders, follow ridiculous orders, breach your self-respect.

I was through a small sample of this at a meeting of an advisory committee for our school board. They were treating us parents like elementary school kids (worse, probably), with such instructions and expectations.

I think I would pre-arrange for spouse to give me an urgent phone call about halfway through the thing.

I remember Charles Krauthammer saying something about that one time (though he said it came from someone else): “Liberals are people who don’t care what you do as long as it’s mandatory.”

I had to go to these mandatory self-criticism seminars at one of the colleges where I worked. I always took a magazine, sat in the back, read my magazine, and signed the roll. They generally didn’t ask me to say anything, probably because they knew that what I might say would likely rock their boat.

They never told me I had to pay for this nonsense. I’m fairly sure that’s illegal, making an employee pay for mandatory training, especially if it’s actually political indoctrination. Just say NO.

The Friendly Grizzly | July 11, 2019 at 9:40 am

The program will focus on “differences rather than similarities”…

Yes indeed! Focus on our differences! Nuts to unity! Let’s all be Balkanized! Bring pen, note paper, and a 55 gallon drum of hyphens.

I can why they’re threatened by ableism. They wouldn’t survive if people got to question what they were doing.

if it’s mandatory, you’re paying for it boss…

because i’ll need that $75 to by alcohol for after class.