DOJ Will Resume Federal Executions After 16-Year Hiatus
AG Barr has already chosen the first five federal death row inmates to be executed this year.
Attorney General William Barr announced on Thursday that the federal government will resume capital punishment. Officials have already scheduled the executions of five death-row inmates.
The federal government has not executed anyone since 2003 since the DOJ has continued an investigation into the drugs used to put those inmates to death.
The DOJ wrote in a press release:
“Congress has expressly authorized the death penalty through legislation adopted by the people’s representatives in both houses of Congress and signed by the President,” Attorney General Barr said. “Under Administrations of both parties, the Department of Justice has sought the death penalty against the worst criminals, including these five murderers, each of whom was convicted by a jury of his peers after a full and fair proceeding. The Justice Department upholds the rule of law—and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system.”
The Federal Execution Protocol Addendum, which closely mirrors protocols utilized by several states, including currently Georgia, Missouri, and Texas, replaces the three-drug procedure previously used in federal executions with a single drug—pentobarbital. Since 2010, 14 states have used pentobarbital in over 200 executions, and federal courts, including the Supreme Court, have repeatedly upheld the use of pentobarbital in executions as consistent with the Eighth Amendment.
The federal government has tried to execute inmates like Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Dylann Roof, the man who killed nine black people at a church in South Carolina.
Since 1927, the government has executed 37 people. Federal death row has around 60 inmates.
One DOJ official explained Barr chose the first five inmates by picking those “he found particularly heinous and whose victims he viewed as especially vulnerable.” The official did not specify why the executions will take place in a six-week span in December and January even though officials have nothing standing in their way.
The DOJ listed the five inmates in the press release. Barr did not choose Tsarnaev or Roof.
Several states have chosen to use a single-drug for executions instead of the old three-drug cocktail. The drugmakers who supplied the three-drug cocktail stopped selling the item, which made it hard for states to perform the death penalty.
While the federal government will resume the death penalty, the country has 21 states that outlawed the death penalty. New Hampshire recently took this route in May.
Axios reported that a Gallup tracker showed 56% of Americans favor the death penalty. While that group remains the majority, the number is down from 80% in 1994.
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could have sworn was tip line here but guess not
UN Singles Out Israel as World’s Only Violator of Women’s Rights; Iran, Saudi Arabia & Yemen Among the Voters
tlaib will be the next Secretary General.
Not if Obumbles can trip her before she gets to the door.
I guess they call that a good start.
Everyone forget Muller – Whitey Bulger – 4 innocent men?
I wish he would have selected Tsarnaev
“Barr directs federal government to resume capital punishment”
Actually, it’s never ceased. Since early 1973, it’s been government policy to cater to the craven, selfish, fallen nature of humans. Millions upon millions of the innocent have been murdered.
Barr’s directive goes in the right direction in that some of those who deserve capital punishment will at last get it.
What about those who don’t deserve it?
4 innocent men – Muller – Whitey Bulger?
Where are the feds buying pentobarbital from?
As an anesthesiologist I have not seen a vial of pentobarbital in at least 15 years, maybe more.
As a person with 30 years experience it intravenous medications that can kill, I also suggest a three drug cocktail..
Using only an induction agent like pentobarbital , propofol, Pentothal, etomidate or ketamine or even versed, will result in some people who just will not die no matter how much you administer.
Far more certain to add a muscle relaxant like zemuron and potassium to the mix.
Either of those will be fatal on its own, the induction agent is just to make it more humane.
Why does an execution have to resemble an anesthetic? Can’t we expose them to a hypoxic environment? 100 per cent Nitrous Oxide will be a pleasant experience and uniformly fatal.
People inadvertently given hypoxic gas mixtures, who are resuscitated, uniformly report no symptoms at all.
Bullets are cheap right now. Strap them down, have 5 rifles aimed at their head with 4 loaded. The folks who think late term abortion can be the button pushers to fire the rifles.
I agree, but I would automate firing the guns. In the case of pedophiles, especially priest pedophiles, rape aggravated murder, maybe a specific part of the anatomy should shot 1/2 second before the rest fire 🙂
You don’t even have to use firearms, use pneumatics that fire simple spikes or ball bearings.
Listen, hanging worked great for thousands of years. And the menthod was approrpiately indignant without being cruel.
Ah, but hanging uses nooses, and those are apparently racist now.
My state went with straight Barbiturate. Reads something like “the condemned will be given barbiturate until death is achieved. Hasn’t been challenged in court yet. Of course that might be because the next clause in the law states that should any court injunct, invalidate, or find the procedure unconstitutional then they execution(s) will continue using the states still very functional electric chair that resides in the room right next to the injection chamber.
I personally think we should use computerized firing squads using pneumatic “guns” or Nitrogen Asphyxiation.
Having experienced (errr … not experienced) both colonoscopy and gastroscopy under the influence of Versed, a massive dose followed by slitting of the throat would be humane.
“Lock her up” soon to become “Strap her down”:).
Is this in preparation for draining the swamp?
Planned Parenthood, but with cause, and due process
Any drug good for surgery ought to work fine. Then shoot them.
Rope is cheap too.
Heh, in preparation for the trials to come I hope 🙂
The guillotine is sure, fast, and doesn’t have to be messy.
If they want this to have any meaning at all except to the individuals directly affected, they’re going to have to step up the pace – and eliminate the 20-30 year gap between act and punishment.
Anyone who has experienced the corruption or incompetence of the judiciary must have qualms about capital punishment. I was unabashedly pro death penalty and even for expending its application (and still am), but then I experienced first hand the corruption of the family law court, including blatant fraud by court.
The cure is to revoke judicial immunity. Incompetence by a judge must be met with immediate dismissal from the bench and permanent revocation of membership in the bar. Corruption by a judge must be met with death. If judges are held accountable, then I will again support the death penalty in practice.
I experienced first hand the corruption of the family law court, including blatant fraud by court.
Yeah, I’ve been divorced a couple of times, but generally speaking, you don’t get many death sentences in family court.
Do you really believe the best way to show that you value life is to feed and care for someone who shows they don’t value life by committing premeditated murder?
Maybe you need to reread your Scripture quote in context. It was talking about personal relationships, not government laws.
Do you really believe the best way to show that you value life is to feed and care for someone who shows they don’t value life by committing premeditated murder?
Maybe you need to reread your Scripture quote in context. It was talking about personal relationships, not government laws.
“DOJ Will Resume Federal Executions After 16-Year Hiatus”
Hey, what’s the penalty for treason? Asking for a friend…