Swarthmore College Offers Course on ‘Queering God’
“questions whether God is a masculine or feminine figure through the examination of feminist and queer writings”

Tuition for the 2019-2020 school year at Swarthmore is over $54,000.
Campus Reform reports:
Penn. college offers ‘Queering God’ course
Swarthmore College offers a course on “Queering God,” most recently taught during the spring 2019 semester, that provides a feminist and queer perspective of the Bible, while also exploring God’s gender identity.
The course, taught by Professor Gwynn Kessler, questions whether God is a masculine or feminine figure through the examination of feminist and queer writings. Its course description says the class “stretch[es] the limits of gendering-and sexing-the divine.” Key themes of the class, also outlined in the course description, include gender, embodiment, masculinity, liberation, sexuality, and feminist and queer theory.
“Part of the student community definitely wants to have more representation and to have LGBTQ issues addressed in courses and elsewhere on campus,” a Swarthmore student, who asked to remain anonymous, told Campus Reform. “This means spreading awareness and getting people to action through taking courses like this.”
Natalie, another Swarthmore student who asked for her last name not to be published, noted that the school demonstrates “normalized progressivism, unfazed by even the most controversial topics.”
Queering the Bible is a similar course that the institution offers, which uses Biblical readings from a queer and transgender perspective to explore sex, identity, and gender. Campus Reform has previously reported on the rise of such courses in American academic institutions.

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Blasphemy, pure blasphemy,
At Swarthmore’s tuition of $52,588 and a typical load of 8 half-courses per year, students pay about $6573 to take this course.
Students who take enough of these types of courses will be well on their way to becoming the unemployed, marginally literate Social Justice Warriors who depend on government support to survive and to avoid having to pay off their school loans.
” “Part of the student community definitely wants to have more representation and to have LGBTQ issues addressed in courses and elsewhere on campus,” a Swarthmore student, who asked to remain anonymous, told Campus Reform. “This means spreading awareness and getting people to action through taking courses like this.” ”
Well up to then it sounded like it could even be interesting. I don’t like the word “queering” but the question of which sex is God could cover some interesting material. Personally I don’t think God is either male or female, but singular.
But after reading that this course is desired to “get people to action” well forget it. We need less activists and more people who get along and are productive.