Mainstream Media Already Has Headlines Written: Elizabeth Warren is Big Winner in First Debates
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Mainstream Media Already Has Headlines Written: Elizabeth Warren is Big Winner in First Debates

Mainstream Media Already Has Headlines Written: Elizabeth Warren is Big Winner in First Debates

“Her ferocious command of details on a debate stage once earned her a college scholarship.”

The first Democratic debates are tonight and tomorrow, and the media is already dropping not-so-subtle hints about who will win the debates. Get ready for multiple reports about Elizabeth Warren’s impressive performance.

They began laying the groundwork for this on Monday.

NBC News published a story about a new poll from MoveOn which shows a “big” lead for Warren:

Elizabeth Warren jumps out to a big lead in MoveOn poll

Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders top a new straw poll from the progressive group, illuminating how the packed field of candidates is coming into focus for more left-leaning Democratic voters just before the first debate of the 2020 cycle.

The poll, released Tuesday and first reported by NBC News, shows Warren is the top choice of 38 percent of MoveOn’s members nationwide — and the top choice of voters surveyed in the early-voting states of California, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Sanders comes in second nationwide — 17 percent say he’s their first choice — trailing Warren by more than 20 points. Former Vice President Joe Biden (15 percent) and Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana (12 percent), are the only other candidates to earn double-digit support; Sen. Kamala Harris of California comes in with 7 percent.

See the image in the tweet below:

Warren released yet another sweeping proposal this week and her fans at the Boston Globe ate it up:

7 ways Elizabeth Warren’s new plan would change how our elections work

Since entering the 2020 race for the Democratic presidential nomination, Elizabeth Warren has looked to stand out from the crowded field with a constant stream of policy proposals she says she would pursue, if elected.

The subject of Warren’s latest plan: The election system itself.

The Massachusetts senator unveiled a proposal Tuesday to make sweeping changes to the way federal elections are run in the United States, from registering voters to counting ballots, and creating new national standards for what is currently a highly decentralized system. The plan comes after years of Republican-led attempts to limit voting rights and lingering questions about the system’s vulnerabilities.

“Our democracy is too important for it to be under-resourced and insecure,” Warren wrote in a Medium post published Tuesday morning. “We need to do everything we can to make sure our elections are convenient, professional, and secure — and we should be willing to pay for it.”

The New York Times actually published an article on Monday about Elizabeth Warren’s superior debating qualities way back when she was in high school:

How Elizabeth Warren Learned to Fight

It was 1962 in Oklahoma City and Liz Herring, a new student at Northwest Classen High School, was feeling insecure. She was good at school, had skipped a grade, and now, as a skinny freshman with glasses and crooked teeth who had grown up in a town south of the capital, she was hungry to fit in.

She joined the Cygnet Pep Club to show her school spirit and the Courtesy Club to help visitors find their way around the school. She became a member of the Announcers Club, reading messages over the school’s central sound system. But it was the debate club where she really found herself. At a time when Home Ec and preparing for marriage were priorities for young women, debate was a place where they could compete on equal ground…

Mr. Pryor still recalls that even among good high school debaters, there was something different about his teammate Liz. “She wanted to be the best,” he said last month. “She wanted it more than I did. She wanted it more than anybody did.”…

Her ferocious command of details on a debate stage once earned her a college scholarship. Now she is deploying that skill in town halls across the country and on Wednesday in the Democratic National Committee’s first debate for the 2020 election.

If you think that sounds like a slobber-fest, just wait until the first debates are over.


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Albigensian | June 26, 2019 at 9:23 am

The Democratic candidates seem determined to prove the validity of that old saying, “An election is an auction in goods which have not yet been stolen.”

That, plus, “Sometimes it’s not the votes that count, but who counts the vote.”

She does seem to have blown Bernie to bits. Bernie’s trying so hard to keep to the left of Warren that he seems to have wandered off the playing field.

The MSM may write that headline but this:

TRUMP will be the real winner. And the RINOs are quivering in their squeaky bunny slippers.

    Sweet sweet gods of media hype, please make Elizabeth “Lie-a-lotta” Warren the Democrat nominee.

    Or should I be careful what I wish for?

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to EBL. | June 26, 2019 at 3:50 pm

      Warren is nothing more than Hilary Clinton in “Drag.”

      Very bad drag at that.

BTW, using the debates to stage a policy dump has always been a mistake. Voters don’t want a wonk-fest lecture. Stick to the big ideas and focus on 2-4 major points that voters are demanding. It doesn’t matter how many 5% positions you pile up, they are all losers and no one is listening no matter how stridently presented. It’s even worse when screeched out with lots of wild arm waving.

    “It’s even worse when screeched out with lots of wild arm waving.”

    Her spiel doesn’t go down any easier watching her wrestle with a twist-top in the kitchen. Now I could muster some respect if she’d crushed an empty can against her forehead. But no – she went after that twist-top like a newbie. Using an opener would have been better optics than what she did …

    That sort of behavior is useful, if you are growing corn and have a problem with crows.

Her ferocious cultural appropriation once stole her an affirmative action position.

Count on The Cough to sabotage Lieawatha’s campaign. If she couldn’t be first female president, no female in her lifestyle will be.

texansamurai | June 26, 2019 at 10:11 am

she’s going to crash and burn–unfortunately for her, believe she’ll be indistinguishable in the pile of totalled locomotives

I’m sure she’ll shoot her completely un-self-aware mouth off repeatedly and will give the thinking people of the right plenty of ammo with which to shell her in the coming weeks and months. When has that NOT been the case so far? No real person worth the oxygen is going to fall for her crap.

She is only slightly more likeable than Hillary, and mostly because she isn’t all that well known. As people see more of her they will have to hold the nose vote for her if they are the National Socialist Party lock step members.
That makes it tough for breaking into the swing voters.

    artichoke in reply to oldgoat36. | June 26, 2019 at 2:13 pm

    She has nowhere near the class of Hillary as a candidate. Hillary was very sly, also very quick.

    Hillary went to Wellesley and Yale Law.
    Warren went to ??? and Rutgers Law.
    This comparison applied to the period when the SAT (and LSAT) was closer to an IQ test than it is today.

What a coincidence that her polling exploded just before the debates. And now she has the center stage position. I’m expecting lighting that gives her a glow with microphone problems everywhere else.

2smartforlibs | June 26, 2019 at 10:57 am

Look at the polling center and it tells you all you need to know. Soros/Clinton wast Fauxcahontas to run against TRUmp.

I wonder if Chef [or is that Chief?] Aging Gray Beaver is whipping up some Okie crab dip from Pow Wow Chow for her media sycophants?

    alaskabob in reply to walls. | June 26, 2019 at 12:03 pm

    Is Bernie Chief Red Menace? The Dems are all tribal anyway. Russia, China … now even US Left moving solidly for a modern form of totalitarian state. Waiting for the Left to fully embrace the “social credits” system of China.

buckeyeminuteman | June 26, 2019 at 11:36 am

I heard a guy on the radio this morning who was representing a “moderate Democrat” think tank. He was saying that Warren is the candidate most in the middle and should be the eventual nominee. He also said to look for her winning the debate this week. If she is the most middle of the road Democrat, then their party has slid past the point of saving. A new nickname for the Dems should be “irredeemables”.

    Massinsanity in reply to buckeyeminuteman. | June 26, 2019 at 1:59 pm

    The Dems/MSM have to stop Bernie. They hate him, not because he is an angry, bitter old Communist but because he hasn’t paid his dues to the party.

    The also are quickly realizing that Joe is hopeless. Never that bright to begin with, he now clearly has some age related cognitive issues that will become glaringly apparent as we get deeper into this.

    So now they are faced with the question of which of the rest of the crew in the clown car has the best chance to beat Trump and it appears they are gravitating to Warren. She may just be the default chosen one because who else could it be? At one point I thought Harris might have a chance but her campaign appears to be flailing and she has none of Obama’s gravitas and even less experience the he did.

      artichoke in reply to Massinsanity. | June 26, 2019 at 2:20 pm

      Amy Klobuchar seemed classy, up until she joined the crazies piling onto Kavanaugh over Christine Blasey Ford’s ridiculous story. Midwestern “solidity”, but very bright, went to Yale.

      But joining the amoral pack who would do anything to discredit Kavanaugh will probably endear her to the left.

        buckeyeminuteman in reply to artichoke. | June 26, 2019 at 3:23 pm

        Tulsi Gabbard is impressive in that she is a Major in the Army Reserves. That’s all I really know about her. Why would someone with some brains join the Dem party though?

          artichoke in reply to buckeyeminuteman. | June 27, 2019 at 3:39 pm

          I’m not sure whether Gabbard has brains or not, she didn’t say anything interesting on policy. But she is female, tall and pleasant looking, which count for quite a bit.

        artichoke in reply to artichoke. | June 27, 2019 at 3:41 pm

        Klobuchar made sure to blurt out, in a moment that it didn’t really fit, that she was all worried about climate change. I guess that was one of her programmed talking points.

An utterly miserable, embittered, mendacious, self-serving, shrill, harridan and demagogue-scold.

I’ll pass.

Anyone willing to say that none of them stand a chance?

Why else would Google risk its corporate survival to prevent another Trump Situation?

A game they appear to be losing.

““Her ferocious command of details on a debate stage once earned her a college scholarship….”

Most scammers are good on details. That’s how they scam people.

This scummy fraud.