Democrat Demolition Derby Debate: Night Two

OK, so I hope tonight’s debate is not as chaotic and a mess so I can provide better coverage than last night. I wonder if they’ll try to out Spanish each other tonight.

Anyway, tonight from 9PM ET to 11PM, ten more Democratic presidential candidates will take the stage in Miami.

The Debate

Marianne Williamson wants to harness love, you guys.


Good summary so far:

I support your right to murder your unborn child more than that other person!

Harris doesn’t think Biden is racist, but….

Free healthcare for illegals

Donald Trump lashes out

Marianne Williamson cannot explain anything. Watch for yourself.

This is literally all Sanders is shouting about.

Yang & Universal Income?

Buttigieg doesn’t believe in free college for all, but some

Kamala and taxes

Biden says inequality has grown under Trump, but no.

Details of the Debate

This debate has more stars, which could be why they had Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) last night. Don’t want to overshadow the media darling.

Tonight we have:

Same moderators as last night: Lester Holt, Savannah Guthrie, Chuck Todd, Rachel Maddow, and Jose Diaz-Balart.

Oh who am I kidding? The candidates only have 60 seconds to answer a question and 30 seconds for rebuttal. We all know they only provide long-winded answers without actually providing an answer.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary