I noted that on his inauguration day, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a dramatic Medi-Cal expansion to cover young illegal immigrant adults.
His dreams may become the California taxpayer’s nightmare thanks to the state legislature.
Some low-income adults in California living in the country illegally will soon get their health benefits paid for by taxpayers.Democrats in the state Legislature on Sunday agreed to make adults between the ages of 19 and 25 eligible for the state’s Medicaid program. Not everyone will get those benefits, only people whose incomes are low enough to qualify for the program. State officials estimate the program will cover an additional 90,000 people at a cost of $98 million.”California believes that health is a fundamental right,” said state Sen. Holly Mitchell, a Los Angeles Democrat who led the budget negotiations.
One benefit of living in a Democrat-run state is that I don’t have to wonder what will happen next. We are going to ride the Virtue Signal Time Bomb!
Sacramento’s Lawmakers have a June 15 deadline to pass the budget, which will take effect in July. The healthcare offering for illegal immigrants will begin just about the time people cast the first votes in the Presidential primary season. As a bonus, the Obamacare penalties will be imposed again on the state’s citizens.
The expansion will take effect Jan. 1, 2020, and cost $98 million in the upcoming fiscal year. It will make California the first state to allow undocumented adults to sign up for state-funded health coverage.The budget includes a fine on people who don’t buy health insurance known as an individual mandate. The fines were initially implemented as part of the federal Affordable Care Act law known as Obamacare, but Republicans acted in 2017 to roll them back. Newsom and legislative leaders say re-imposing the penalty at the state level will shore up the state’s health insurance marketplace and keep premiums from rising dramatically.
Of course, this generous benefit is not enough for some. Cynthia Buiza, executive director of the California Immigrant Policy Center, thinks the exclusion of older illegal immigrants is unfair.
Buiza said lawmakers failed to achieve universal health care coverage, as they had pledged to do. “The exclusion of undocumented elders from the same health care their U.S. citizen neighbors are eligible for means beloved community members will suffer and die from treatable conditions.”
I sure hope all the free healthcare has Ebola coverage!
The reaction from those who pay both taxes and for their healthcare is
But what are the complaints of legal citizens with real fiscal and medical needs when compared with the warm, fuzzy feeling of building the base while leading the #ResistTrump movement?