On Saturday, independent journalist and Quillette editor Andy Ngo was brutally attacked by an antifa-fascist mob in Portland, Oregon. Since then, reaction has been mixed, with leftists actually expressing delight over Ngo being assaulted in broad daylight on a crowded city street and conservatives expressing outrage and demanding that people be held accountable.
There is new footage of Ngo being attacked, and it’s very difficult to watch. These antifa-fascists are screeching and cheering and acting like pack-hunting wild animals. It’s terrifying just to watch; I can’t imagine what Ngo was thinking and feeling.
Ngo’s attorney posted an update last night on Ngo’s condition.
He also has a few choice words for those defending antifa-fascists.
As of this writing, Michelle Malkin’s GoFundMe for Ngo has so far raised over $115,000. He’s going to need every penny to replace his stolen equipment and for his medical bills and future security needs. If you can help and care to, please do so here.
Portland police were reportedly present but did not intervene to help Ngo or any of the other people assaulted by the antifa-fascists. They claim to have arrested three people in relation to the mob violence; eight people, including three police officers, were injured.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and the city’s police force have come under criticism after an attack on a conservative writer at dueling protests on Saturday.. . . . Police were lined up along the perimeter of the park before the attack, but no one intervened to break up the fight. Late Saturday, police reported that three people had been arrested, including one for assault, but it was unclear if that person had anything to do with the attack on Ngo.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is livid and is calling for legal action against Portland’s mayor who reportedly had ordered police not to protect victims of the antifa-fascist mob.
Meanwhile, Malkin and attendees of the Portland melee are attempting to identify the alleged perpetrators. Click over to read the whole thread with all of the antifa thugs pictured.
On the left, the response has been gruesome, loathsome, and vile. In other words, perfectly predictable.
And from well-known parody/troll account:
In all fairness, the reaction from the left hasn’t been all in that vein.
Mostly, though, leftie media types—when they refer to the horrifying assault at all—are blaming Ngo or just looking for an “angle.”
Dave Rubin and Kyle Morris nail it:
Addendum: Quillette has published an important piece “Antifa’s Brutal Assault on Andy Ngo Is a Wake-Up Call—for Authorities and Journalists Alike.” It’s worth reading.