William Barr: Mueller “Could’ve Reached a Decision” on Obstruction If He Wanted To
“he had his reasons for not doing it, which he explained and I am not going to, you know, argue about those reasons”

Attorney General William Barr sat for in interview on CBS This Morning to be aired in full on Friday and was asked about Mueller’s recent statement to the press.
Without speculating about what’s in Mueller’s mind, Barr suggested that he could have reached a decision about criminal behavior and obstruction of justice if he wanted to.
Camilo Montoya-Galvez reports at CBS News:
Barr says Mueller “could’ve reached a decision” on whether Trump obstructed justice
Attorney General William Barr said he believes special counsel Robert Mueller could have reached a decision on whether President Trump committed obstruction of justice, regardless of long-standing Justice Department policy that prohibits the indictment of a sitting president.
In his first network interview since being sworn in, Barr said the special counsel, who gave a rare public statement Wednesday reiterating some of the key findings in his more than 400-page report, could have concluded the president broke the law without actually charging him — or cleared him of wrongdoing.
“I personally felt he could’ve reached a decision,” he told CBS News chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford during an exclusive interview in Anchorage, Alaska, on Thursday.
“The opinion says you cannot indict a president while he is in office, but he could’ve reached a decision as to whether it was criminal activity,” Barr added. “But he had his reasons for not doing it, which he explained and I am not going to, you know, argue about those reasons.”…
Barr said Thursday he did not know what Mueller was “suggesting” in his statement.
“The Department of Justice doesn’t use our powers of investigating crimes as an adjunct to Congress,” he added.
See the clip below:
Barr was also asked to answer to charges that he is in some way working on Trump’s behalf, an absurd question that the media failed to ask other attorneys general, such as Eric Holder.
Barr responded by noting the hyper-partisan nature of our politics right now. Watch:
Barr was an excellent choice for Attorney General. Can you imagine how different this situation would look if Jeff Sessions still held the office?
Featured image via YouTube.

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in short:
if Sessions was still AG, then this interview would be moot as Mueller would still be fishing for an actual crime
Sessions is scum. He was part of the criminal, seditious plot all along. And it is criminal and seditious, and it is still ongoing.
No kidding! One with Mueller’s experience cannot determine after two years whether or not his investigation was obstructed?
None of this matters, the Grubernment has already signaled that they are not going to hold anyone in the investigation responsible. They are going to protect themselves to the bitter end!
“The OIG found that the SA contacted individuals who he either knew were, or had reasonable belief would be witnesses in the criminal investigation and that the SA’s contacts with several individuals appeared to be designed to improperly influence their prospective testimony,” the statement said. “Accordingly, the OIG concluded that the SA’s contacts with the witnesses were improper and constituted misconduct.”
“Investigators also uncovered other instances of serious misconduct by the agent, saying he “divulged law enforcement sensitive information to unauthorized individuals; misused his government issued electronic devices; provided misleading testimony during a related civil deposition; mishandled classified information; misused his position during contacts with local law enforcement officers; and provided false information to the OIG.”
“Criminal prosecution of the SA was declined,” the statement from the office of Inspector General Michael Horowitz said.”
Investigate the investigators my behind!
Mueller didn’t make a decision because that decision would have to be no obstruction. At the end of the day he didn’t get fired. Trump made everyone available including his lawyer, which was moronic, available. Mueller had unlimited assets and the ability to hire as many Hillary supporters as he wanted. He wasn’t obstructed in any way.
As an aside, how can the normal people of the electorate ever be expected to wade through all these convolutions and to try to make sense of them? (Yes, no one on this page, including the Conniver, is “normal”.) Seriously, because of constantly overreaching, all encompassing government, political involvement is now an unpaid, second full time job. Even if you do understand it, things are so complicated and internally contradictory, it is almost impossible to cast a clear-cut vote. I don’t think this is the way a successful, or even survivable, democratic republics can exist.
This is why Nadler is now saying that we need hearings because voters are basically too stupid to know what has happened
Only a Congressional Circus can get voters minds right
For the Deep State, Mutually Assured Exoneration is their “insurance policy”. Everyone in the swamp has the goods on everyone else. As long as one doesn’t screw over members of the group all is well. Cross the line and …who knows…maybe sharing time with Seth Rich.
I cannot come up with a sound reason why Sessions acted has he did. I would love to here from anyone who can make the case that he was an exceptional man.
Swamp will not investigate swamp. Did anybody think it would be otherwise. This is a cute little buddy movie where the Constitution is not even a factor.
I had high hopes for Barr, I still do, but he needs to make some late night raids
Not his style, but boy would I love to record that
Of course he didn’t want to! If he’d stated “there was no obstruction,” as the facts warranted, he would become an immediate pariah.
If I had had confidence that Robert Mueller clearly did not contract anal herpes from a billy goat, I would have said so.