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Student Govt at UC-Berkeley Wants Non-Citizens to Vote in City Elections

Student Govt at UC-Berkeley Wants Non-Citizens to Vote in City Elections

“an excellent opportunity for civic participation”

Can you imagine being a hard working, tax paying citizen of the city and hearing this?

Campus Reform reports:

Foreign interference? Berkeley student gov ponders letting non-citizens vote

The University of California, Berkeley student government hosted a community forum in early May to learn about an effort to add onto a 2020 ballot non-citizen voting for Berkeley city elections.

Student government Sens. James Li and Andy Theocharous co-hosted the event. Campus Reform reached out to Theocharous for a copy of the proposed ballot initiative but was not granted access to the current draft.

Theocharous stated that he decided to co-host the event after members of the Peace and Justice Commission of the City of Berkeley approached him. According to the Commission’s website, the group is tasked with “advis[ing] the Council and the School Board on issue of peace and social justice.”

Theocharous, who is originally from Cyprus, told Campus Reform that the ballot initiative “is merely a suggestion,” but that “international students reside in Berkeley for a good four years, if not more, [and that] this is an excellent opportunity for civic participation.”

Some students are not as thrilled with having non-citizens voting in city elections, however.

Rudraveer Reddy, who serves as external vice president for the Berkeley College Republicans, told Campus Reform that “diluting the votes of U.S. citizens for Berkeley city elections with those of foreigners is an outrageous proposition.”


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I wonder how they would feel about non-students voting in their student government elections.

jakesalomon | May 11, 2019 at 11:41 pm

Logical government to students:
Who gives a rat tail what *you* want?

But alas, that’s just a pipe dream.