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Shocking Poll Finds Young People Support the Idea of Free College

Shocking Poll Finds Young People Support the Idea of Free College

“students polled more than 3,000 people ages 18 to 29”

Would you believe that most college aged people support free college? A new poll from Harvard confirms this surprising find.

Inside Higher Ed reports:

Young People Support Free College

More than half of young adults, many of them in the traditional college age range, support plans to make public universities free, even if it costs billions of dollars, according to new data from Harvard University.

The Institute of Politics at Harvard’s Kennedy School has released an annual poll — notable in that it’s created by undergraduates — for two decades. The poll asks about many of the issues du jour, and the students with the institute this year included questions about free college plans, which have come under new scrutiny as candidates for the 2020 presidential election ramp up their campaigns.

The students polled more than 3,000 people ages 18 to 29. About 51 percent of those who answered the poll said they to some degree supported free college.

Proposals for tuition-free college can vary. In their question, the students posed making community college free and four-year institutions free for all families who earn $125,000 and under a year. Even with the $47 billion price tag the students estimated for the plan, more than half still agreed. An earlier version of the poll had asked about free college without a cost estimate and support only dropped by five percentage points, from 56 to 51 percent.


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I am guessing that none of these students have taken a basic course in statistics. Skew the sample population and you can get any result that you want. I wonder how many millenials would still want free health care once they sorted out just how much of their discretionary beer fund went poof once they had to buy the insurance that they only really wanted if it were free.

I recently read that “Mice die in mousetraps because they do not understand why the cheese is free”; seems to fit here.

To paraphrase what P. J. O’Rourke said about health care, “If you think college is expensive now, just wait until it’s free!”