NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Jumps Into Democratic Primary Using Same Old Rhetoric

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced his candidacy for the 2020 Democratic primary with a video that contains all the popular rhetoric and buzzwords leftists love to use. From The Washington Examiner (emphasis mine):

“As president I will take on the wealthy, I will take on the big corporations, and I will not rest until this government serves working people,” he said in an announcement video released Thursday called “Working People First.”Additionally, he took a swipe at President Trump and said that the president “must be stopped.”“I’m a New Yorker. I’ve known Trump’s ability for a long time. This is not news to me or anyone else here, and I know how to take him on,” de Blasio said.

Oh the irony! A rich white male who wanted Amazon in his backyard complaining about the rich and corporations.

You know what never gets old for me? Wealthy people who want to take on the wealthy, but for some strange reason, that action exempts their wealth. Last I saw, de Blasio had a net worth of $145 million.

If de Blasio wants to take on corporations, why doesn’t he start in his city? I bet that will go over well.

Like I said before, de Blasio wanted Amazon, the country’s largest corporation, to build its headquarters in New York city. He then threw a fit when Amazon chose not to after backlash from people like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

Let’s look at polling. An April Quinnipiac poll showed that 76% of New York City voters did not want him to run for president.

A March Quinnipiac poll found that only 24% of New York state voters approved of de Blasio. 49% do not like him.

In New York City? Only 36% found him favorable.

On strategist told The New York Post those in New York City did not like how he chose to travel around the country earlier this year, including to states like Iowa and New Hampshire:

Noting de Blasio’s poor showing, another political expert said the mayor likely did himself no favors by gallivanting around the country flirting with a White House run.“New Yorkers have a long history of warm regard for mayors like La Guardia and Bloomberg, who see [the mayoralty] as a 24/7 mission, and that’s not in de Blasio’s personal job description, it seems,” said political strategist Gerry O’Brien.“Some voters have a perception that he has an up-at-the-crack-of-noon attitude. He’s often late to events, and that is part of what you see reflected in that Q poll.”While he hasn’t announced a 2020 run, de Blasio has made trips to the early-voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina in recent weeks. He is also heading to Washington, DC, this weekend to appear at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference Monday and Tuesday.“My advice would be to take the subway to all parts of the city instead of going to Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina,” Schoen said.

Just three days ago, de Blasio held a rally “to capture national attention” for all that he has done for the environment, especially a bill passed in April that “mandates buildings larger than 25,000 square feet cut their emissions or face fines.”

He held the rally in the lobby of Trump tower and it turned out just as anyone would expect. From Politico:

The news conference, held in the lobby of Trump Tower, was designed to put the president “on notice,” de Blasio said, for the pollution emitted by Trump’s buildings. But the event, moved inside at the last minute due to rain, was more of a circus than a rally. Much of the mayor’s roughly eight-minute speech was drowned out by music played at curiously high volumes in the lobby, protesters shouting, “You suck,” among other profanities, and several people riding the escalators behind the mayor, toting signs that read “Trump 2020” and “Worst Mayor Ever.”The din was so loud, de Blasio had to leave his lectern and request reporters walk forward just so he could hear their questions.

However, de Blasio could not “name any other landlords with high-emissions buildings” and people found it gross that he drove to the event since he has a reputation for using “a gas-guzzling SUV to a local gym.”

This is all hilarious. I bet he doesn’t even get past Iowa, but his smug attitude tells me he will not give up.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Bill de Blasio, New York City