Harvard Dean Joins Student Protest of Black Law Prof Representing Harvey Weinstein

This is amazing. What do people at Harvard not understand about our legal process? Read more back story here.The College Fix reports:

Harvard dean joins student sit-in against black law professor representing Harvey WeinsteinAs dean of Harvard College, Rakesh Khurana commissioned a “climate review” of the university’s Winthrop House, an undergraduate residential community, following student activism against the house’s faculty dean and law professor, Ronald Sullivan.Sullivan’s sin, in the eyes of #MeToo student activists, was representing the disgraced media mogul Harvey Weinstein in his criminal trial.Khurana’s investigation was the first such action against a faculty dean in Harvard’s history, leading the African-American Sullivan to claim it might have something to do with his race. The Harvard Black Law Students Association made the same claim.But the dean wasn’t done. Khurana attended a “Reclaim Winthrop” sit-in against Sullivan by activist groups on Friday, The Harvard Crimson reports.It wasn’t clear why Khurana was there – for “part of the event,” the Crimson specified – and Harvard did not respond to a College Fix email asking for an explanation. But it will certainly be interpreted by the activists as support for their cause, to remove Sullivan as faculty dean:

Our Harvard Can Do Better — an anti-sexual assault advocacy organization — read a list of demands at the event, including calling on the College to publicize the results of a climate review of Winthrop House and to create a system to hold faculty deans accountable. They also demanded that Sullivan apologize to house affiliates and delegate his ceremonial duties during Commencement to “an alternate,” and called for an “end to intimidation tactics.” …

Tags: College Insurrection, Harvard, Harvey Weinstein