Commencement Speaker at Hampshire College Focuses on ‘White-Supremacist Capitalism’
“I want to recognize the black people that have been pushed out of Amherst.”

Hampshire College is currently fighting for its life but that hasn’t caused them to rethink their left wing politics.
Mass Live reports:
Hampshire College commencement speaker rails against ‘white-supremacist capitalism’
Ericka Hart – a social justice practitioner, sexuality educator, descendant of slaves and cancer survivor – delivered Saturday’s keynote commencement address at Hampshire College.
Hart recounted her own experience after graduating college, describing myriad instances of discrimination, sexism and racism – and one of her first jobs working on a luxury liner, when her boss said she must salute the ship’s captain whenever she encounters him on the boat.
She refused, and thus extended a journey already begun in search of individual, and social, and economic, justice – imploring the graduates to say what needs to be said, to whoever, in the moment.
“What the hell am I going to do next,” Hart said, recalling the stress she felt right after graduation – formulating that discomfort as “a capitalist induced anxiety.”
Hart began her speech saying: “I want to recognize the black people that have been pushed out of Amherst.”
She referred to New York City – where she works as a sex educator for Kindergarten through 5th grade students – as “the most segregated school system.”
Hart told the graduating class that “white-supremacist capitalism expects you to pull yourself up by the bootstraps” and that “educational institutions” will do many things “to claim credit for your success.”

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“I want to recognize the black people that have been pushed out of Amherst.”
Given Amherst’s 13% acceptance rate, it would appear that it’s not only black people who have been “pushed out of Amherst.”
How can a college bill itself as “inclusive” while excluding 87% of its applicants? Inquiring minds want to know.
Hampshire College commencement speaker rails against ‘white-supremacist capitalism.’
Considering Hampshire College’s shrinking enrollment, her railing is falling on, if not deaf, at least nonexistent ears.Hampshire College Enrolling Only 15 Students for Fall of 2019. Like they say: Get woke, go broke.
In the photo above, shouldn’t at least one of those dumpsters be on fire? Or is that more metaphorical than we are going for?
she works as a sex educator for Kindergarten through 5th grade students
Seriously? This truly is a depraved world.
“Capitalism” is Karl Marx’s derogatory term for economic liberty. This black woman, railing against liberty as “white supremacism,” is demanding to be put back in chains like her ancestors.
She thinks she will be the slavemaster this time but it never works out that way. Under communism everyone is the slave of one autocratic Dear Leader. Look at China, as much an autocracy under Xi Jinping as under any solipsistic hundred-wife emperor of yore.
If it comes, at least this Hampshire liberty-hater will deserve her slavery, along with all the useful idiots, but God protect the innocent, especially the poor four to eight year olds who this vicious creep undoubtedly tries to confuse about their future sexuality.
““Capitalism” is Karl Marx’s derogatory term for economic liberty.” Was that you who suggested we start using “free market” instead of capitalism? Whomever it was was right. As they always do, the left has totally misappropriated and twisted the word. We should all stop using it and find something better.
“” “Capitalism” is Karl Marx’s derogatory term for economic liberty.””
Which is why I hate it when I see “conservatives” on FBN try to defend (quasi-)free markets/free enterprise while using the word.
Hampshire College is currently fighting for its life
I think I can see why.