Amash’s Call for Trump’s Impeachment Draws a Primary Challenger

Rep. Amash, Never Trumper supreme, recently called for Trump’s impeachment, making him the lone Republican to do so. Fuzzy blogged about Amash’s vanity move this past weekend.

You know it’s bad when even Sen. Romney, whose criticism of Trump (the manner in which he engaged in his rebuff of Trump’s lack of statesmanship still disappoints me a little) has been unavoidable since he was passed over for the Secretary of State gig, refuses to join your lonely little dogpile.

You don’t have to like Trump or even be pro-Trump to recognize that the calls for impeachment are purely political warfare. But anyway.

Rep. Amash’s disdain for the president has drawn a primary challenger — state lawmaker Rep. Jim Lower who claims Amash is “out of touch” with his district.

From The Detroit News:

Rep. Jim Lower’s announcement came after Amash, a vocal Trump critic, declared Saturday that he believes President Donald Trump’s conduct has met the “threshold of impeachment.”Amash, a fifth-term congressman, is the first Republican lawmaker in Congress to break with Trump over the findings of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. Lower, a Greenville Republican and former Amash supporter, was planning to launch his campaign around the Fourth of July, but he adjusted his timetable after Amash’s statements on impeachment, which he said could not stand. “After what happened on Saturday, it just made sense to get in right away and make sure people in the community knew there was a pro-Trump conservative ready to take him on,” Lower said in an interview. “I just got tired of him attacking our president and not providing any real solutions to anything. It’s easy to be a no vote all the time — you see that in Lansing sometimes, too,” Lower added.”But what takes actual talent is working with your colleagues and realizing it’s a team and compromising with the party and people on the other side of the aisle.”Amash’s campaign could not be reached for comment.

Amash is a well-known contrarian but even contrarians run the risk of crossing the proverbial line, especially when they begin to sound much more like Democrat activists than anything close to Republican. There should be room for ideas and politicians outside of the binary structure, but I don’t think that’s where Amash falls on this one. Not when you could insert his tweet into any Democrat politician’s account and it pass muster.

How bad is it for Amash? Dan Rather endorsed Amash’s calls for impeachment. DAN.RATHER.:

So, yeah. Good luck with that.

Tags: Republicans, Trump Derangement Syndrome