Trump: “This should never happen to another president again”
“I’m having a good day, too. It was called no collusion, no obstruction.”

Finally, after years of waiting, the Mueller report was released Thursday morning. Despite years of claiming substantial evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian agents, Mueller found none.
In a press conference, Trump said:
“I’m having a good day, too. It was called no collusion, no obstruction. There never was, by the way, and there never will be. And we do have to get to the bottom of these things, I will say… this should never happen president again, this hoax, it should never happen to another president again.”
President Trump: “I’m having a good day, too. It’s called no collusion, no obstruction.”
“This should never happen to another president again.”
— Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) April 18, 2019
Full press conference here. Mueller report here. Barr’s press conference here. Reactions and media backtracking here.

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I understand “Morning” Joe Scarborough is proposing having Attorneys-General appointed for ten year terms like FBI directors, and probably meant to add, to not allow presidents to fire either anymore; and, also, to rip classification authority away from the Presidency. I believe it is more honest and efficient to simply end the presidential system than mutilate it in this manner, but setting that aside…
“Justice” will not be the result of separating the Department from the Executive Branch.
If ol’ Joe had thought of this idea maybe last year, or anytime prior to Barr’s appointment, I’d take is suggestion a bit more seriously. But to drop that nugget today of all days? What a moron.
His unspoken point was that they should only be appointed by Democrat presidents.
That kind of nonsense is what got this off the ground to begin with. The DOJ and FBI are not a separate institution as many have claimed. I they had been, this “soft coup” would have succeeded.
They need to be dissolved.
Must See TV.
Mark Levin Points Out Highly Political Intention of Mueller
I love watching the rabid, baseless, and uncontrollable hate of stupid leftists turning them even more stupid.
Donald Trump held a presser and said he’s having a good day. So am I.
I understand
“Morning”Mourning Joe Scarborough is…FIFY
How about Morning Joke suggest he go @#!+ himself?
Probably the first intelligent thing he ever said.
The first time a democrat president was stuck with a republican attorney general he would rediscover the need for a president to appoint his own.
Here’s a crazy idea: in order to help it not happen again, how about punishing those involved in trying a coup?
This absolutely has to be done, our nation will not be ‘fixed’ until this coup is brought to justice.
Yes. Joe’s “idea” is meant to be a distraction from fixing the real problem.
Guess we could always start by “Red Hen”ing the criminals and crooks.
Remember that? And nothing happened to the Red Hen owners and employees.
I’m convinced that this has been in the works for months. Once it emerges from the shadow, it will be interesting to see whether the Fake News Media even reports it as the trials begin.
I am looking for evidence of narrative repositioning as they anticipate the tidal change. I expect some of them will pivot more quickly than others to change horses. At some point, CNN and MSNBC will find themselves besieged with most rats having already abandoned ship. Today is an excellent day to look for that evidence. Is anyone going to take even one step back and openly reflect on this fraud? Or are they determined to follow it right over the cliff?
My money is on the cliff.
“I’m having a good day, too. It was called no collusion, no obstruction.”
Of course there was collusion and obstruction of a legitimate president, by Democrats. Now we need a special prosecutor to take all their scalps.
Obama, Hilary, Bill, Lynch, Holder, Powers, that Jarrett thing, Democrat Leaders…..
“This should never happen president again, this hoax, it should never happen to another president again”
This should absolutely happen to the next Obama, Clinton, O’Rourke, Sanders, Harris, Warren or whoever else the mass of TV and FB newsfeed addicts votes in after Trump. There’s no one else like Trump lined up, so even if a Republican follows him it’s likely to be back to the usual self-dealing from the ruling weasels.
Perhaps Pence will absorb some appreciation for DJT, but I doubt he’ll be a future President, he doesn’t have the instincts to win an election. Nor does he seem to be a break-the-china man like Trump. He’d be harmless and competent, that’s not enough.
Side note to your comment: “Judicial Watch announced it received 756 pages of newly uncovered emails that were among the materials former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to delete or destroy, several of which were classified.”
Judicial Watch
Verified account @JudicialWatch
JW announced that it uncovered 422 pages of FBI documents showing evidence of “cover up” discussions related to the Clinton email system within Platte River Networks, one of the vendors who managed the Clinton email system.
the fact HRC has yet to be indicted by the DOJ or charges recommended by a House or Senate committee shows the public just how F’d up the system is
the system is literally doing everything IT can to protect this bitch – and for what?
how sad is it that Judicial Watch has done more to expose Hillary’s illegal server than the plethora of government agencies that are suppose to defend the public’s rights and the very Constitution itself
one of the first things AG Barr should have done upon getting the job was appoint a special counsel to start turning all the work Judicial Watch has done and convert it into indictments
the fact that the AG has yet to do so makes me have to question – what the hell is he doing?
just WHAT is the hold up here?
Dems. Media.
Same thing.
“We continue to uncover classified information mishandled by Hillary Clinton in emails that she tried to hide or destroy. This is further evidence of the urgency for the DOJ to finally undertake a complete and legitimate criminal investigation,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Attorney General Barr should immediately order a new investigation of the Hillary Clinton email scandal.”