Socialist Students at U. Buffalo Oppose Speech by ‘War Criminal’ Condoleezza Rice

Isn’t it nice of these students to decide for everyone who should be allowed to speak?

Campus Reform reports:

Socialist students: Don’t let ‘war criminal’ Condoleezza Rice speakA socialist student group at the University of Buffalo is calling out the school administration for hosting “war criminal” Condoleezza Rice as a “distinguished speaker.”The former U.S. Secretary of State and special assistant to President George W. Bush for national security is scheduled to speak Wednesday as part of a distinguished speaker series hosted by the Graduate Student Association.“UB YDSA emphatically supports freedom of speech, including the right to protest, and welcomes a variety of viewpoints to campus…,” the Young Democratic Socialists of America statement reads, claiming that “as National Security Advisor in the Bush Administration, [Rice] personally approved the CIA’s use of waterboarding on prisoners. She lied about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and used that as justification to wage a war of aggression that directly caused the violent deaths of nearly 500,000 people.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Condoleezza Rice, Democratic Socialism, Free Speech