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NY Democrats Reject Tuition for Gold Star Families After Approving it for Illegal Immigrants

NY Democrats Reject Tuition for Gold Star Families After Approving it for Illegal Immigrants

“Assemblywoman Glick should be ashamed of herself”

It’s probably safe to say at this point that Democrats care more about illegal immigrants than they do about American citizens.

Campus Reform reports:

NY Dems reject tuition aid for Gold Star kids after doling out millions for illegal students

New York State Assembly Democrats denied hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition money to relatives of Gold Star veterans on Tuesday but granted $27 million for illegal aliens’ college tuition in a state budget earlier in April.

In a 15-11 vote, New York’s Assembly Higher Education Committee decided not to allocate more money to a $2.7 million program that currently helps 145 students related to or dependent on disabled and deceased combat veterans to pay college tuition, the New York Post reported.

“We will make every effort to ensure going forward, we have some additional resources allocated to the program so that as an entitlement, it is not falling short of the needs of our military families,” Democrat Assemblywoman Deborah Glick said, according to the Post.

“Assemblywoman Glick should be ashamed of herself,” Republican state Sen. Robert Ortt, who sponsored the proposed funding, said. “We set aside $27 million dollars for college for people that are here illegally…apparently $2.7 million is all that the families of soldiers who are killed, get. If you’re a child of a fallen soldier, you do not rank as high and you know that by the money.”

Not all Democrats opposed the veteran funding bill, however.

“I voted for the bill because I think it’s important, especially after that FDNY firefighter was killed in Afghanistan, so heartbreaking,” Democrat Assemblywoman Judy Griffin said, reported the Post. “But I voted yes knowing the bill would be held because it was a tough budget year and as the chairwoman said, there just wasn’t the funding in the budget. But now we know for next year, [so] we will make it a priority and hopefully pass it.”


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I am shocked this could happen in this country, but sadly not surprised New York would do this given the Democrats are in charge.

We denounce Omar for her contemptible comments regarding 9/11. But given this action by the NY Legislature, how soon Democrats in New York forget.

Shame, Shame, Shame.

amatuerwrangler | April 13, 2019 at 8:17 pm

I don’t know which of these two broads quoted is the worst. Glick out right opposed and voted against it, but Griffith voted “yes” on the amendment so that she could campaign on it later. She said,”I voted yes knowing the bill would be held because it was a tough budget year.” But she wouldn’t cut a nickel from the funding for the wets.

And I’m a deplorable? Please.

“The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people’s money”.

NY state is facing massive deficits – to put it baldly we don’t really have the money to pay free college tuition for anyone. But the Albany Elite continue to play games by spending money we don’t have for things that aren’t really the governments core job but will buy them votes.

Unlike East Germany, socialist New York lacks the border guards and mined and fenced borders to prevent productive tax payers from leaving for less confiscative and less Big Brother climes. And certainly no one in their right mind wants to move TO NY for the economic climate. Hence the population, excluding immigrants (legal or illegal) is dropping, the tax base is dropping, but the spending I just increases and increases.

I’m old enuf I may not live to see the end game, but I doubt it’ll be pretty.