New Poll Shows Half of Americans Favoring Religion Playing Bigger Role in Society
Out With Secularism, In With Religion?

A new poll conducted by Pew Global Views revealed that at least half of the Americans questioned support religion playing a larger role in society.
From Yahoo:
Around half of Americans favor religion playing a greater role in US society, while 18 percent oppose that idea, according to a Pew Research Center study published Monday.
Despite there being a separation of church and state, religion plays a significant part in daily US life: the president traditionally is sworn in using a Bible, while “In God We Trust” is printed on bank notes.
…In the US, the proportion rose to 61 percent among people aged 50 and over, but dropped to 39 percent among 18 to 29-year-olds.
Meanwhile, in Europe, the sentiment is the exact opposite. There, a desire for increased secularism topped the poll. Yahoo ctd:
France, Sweden and the Netherlands, meanwhile, posted almost opposite results: 47 percent, 51 percent and 45 percent respectively were opposed to religion playing a key role in society.
Among the 27 countries surveyed in 2018, France (20 percent) and Japan (15 percent) were the countries with the lowest proportion of citizens favoring strengthening religion’s role in society.

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Now the New York Times and other left-leaning outlets will interpret this result as an endorsement for Islamic Sharia law.
Muslims will agree as long as they rule the roost.
Not the smart ones. Some of them can get downright lyrical about how the freedom to worship any ol’ damn way you please (or even not worship) makes religion much more meaningful.
“A role in society” and “a role in government” are entirely distinct concepts.
“Out With Secularism, In With Religion?”
Half favor religion, and the other half do not? In politics, one needs to accept those who have the same political goals, for example seeing Trump elected for his second term.
Politics makes for strange bedfellows.
Profound agreement with you. “Because God said so” as a policy argument that seems to be unfailingly an excuse for bad policy.
But as a way of arranging your seasons, or finding comfort on a really bad day, or as a way of determining what constitutes your own, personal happiness, or guiding moral choices, it’s hard to beat.
Religion or moral philosophy in a universal frame of reference a la human rights?
The secular sects are only calling for a “separation of Church and State” (a thinly veiled anti-Christian bigotry), not “separation of Mosque and State” or “separation of Temple and State” and certainly not a “Separation of Cult and State”. They want an ethical code of standards or Pro-Choice quasi-religion, including a prime directive for color judgments, age discrimination, summary judgments, and cruel and unusual punishment.
It’s just that there has to be a better reason for any government action than “God said.” It’s good to recognize that a government is an agreement among men, so its policies should be weighed as to their effects on men.
I have been reading Aristotle’s and Aquinas’s defense of the existence of God, introduced to me by Edward Feser’s books, also Dennis Prager’s “Rational Bible” series and they have changed my life. Seriously. They approach everything with logic. No blind faith, no guessing, no maybes – it is nothing but rock-solid reasoning. This way of thinking about religion used to be taught for centuries but it was gradually cast aside the past 200 years or so, and now has just accelerated into oblivion – also ridiculed by people who are not just genuinely ignorant about the subject but pretend they know it all and are proud of making an ass of themselves about how much they truly do not know and don’t care to want to know.
So many people think they are so smart compared to humans in the past, but reason and wisdom have been thrown out of pretty much every window.
I was in an adult sunday school and the teacher is a public school teacher during the week. In the course of 30 minutes she said BOTH of the following re: 19th century frontiersmen in America (the same group of people in both instances).
“These guys didn’t have a lot of schooling, so we have to cut them some slack on what they knew.”
“This was written in the 1800s and they used big words and wrote kind of formally and it is hard for us to understand.”
either early Americans were backward hicks without schooling or they were better educated in English grammar and vocabulary than we are. Which is it?
Dennis Prager’s work should be standard viewing for all young people.
I have a soft spot for scientists (cuz I am one). They tend to be mercilessly logical, but they also have this awe about creation…..
Indeed, though you’ll often hear it denied. Thomas Paine didn’t, but he was not a founder.
“Despite there being a separation of church and state, religion plays a significant part in daily US life”
When you say “religion,” which flavor might you be talking about?
In Muslim countries religious plays a REALLY BIG AND SIGNIFICANT part of daily life.
Yep, five cult like brainwashing sessions a day.
It’s interesting that half of society wants religion to have a larger role in society when attendance continues to decline for many (not all) churches. This fits with a basic understanding — even if one is not religious, one can see the benefit of good religion in a society and culture. You don’t have to be an observant Christian, or a Christian at all, to understand that Christianity offers a lot of good guidance in daily life and organization for a civil, otherwise secular people.
So more religion in society while at the same time sitting at home on Sunday morning? I can see where a fair number of Americans might be happy with that.
I get a kick out of the atheists at Reddit (The_Donald) admitting that they like Christians as fellow-travelers.
Omar, Tlaib and obama believe in a god: one who despises Jews.
Well, if they believe in god, and that god created Jews to mostly be smarter than most other people, why do they dislike Jews? Muslims should respect that Jews are far smarter then they are.
There is pretty clear evidence that humans were steadily improved, and that earlier humans are poor equipped to compete with newer improved versions:) 🙂 🙂
In personal life … probably, in society in general … maybe, maybe not, in government … hell no.