It Begins: Democrats, Media Promote Hiring Boycott Against DHS Secretary Nielsen, Other Trump Officials

It wasn’t enough that #TheResistance shouted DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen out of a private DC restaurant in the summer of 2018. It wasn’t enough that they made it personal by converging on her home, yelling chants and playing audio clips of immigrant children allegedly being separated from their families at the border.

Now, as Nielsen prepares to make her exit from the Trump administration, a group comprised of some familiar high-profile Resistance faces have taken it a step further by urging a hiring boycott. And not just against Nielsen, but against any Trump officials involved in the so-called “child separation” immigration policy.

The DC Examiner reports:

Fortune 500 firms are being urged to rip up the resumes of Trump immigration aides linked to policies that led to the separation of illegal immigrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.“Many of you spoke out against this barbaric policy. However strong the opposition, your words are meaningless unless they are backed up with resolute action,” said a letter from a group called Restore Public Trust promoting its “Trump Administration Separation” campaign.[…]The group names several officials including White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, chief immigration aide Stephen Miller, and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

American Bridge, the SPLC, and NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice put their signatures on the letter.

Restore Public Trust placed an ad in Sunday’s New York Times. Here’s what it looked like:

Bloomberg reporter Jennifer Epstein amplified the group’s message on Sunday in a screencap tweet that didn’t note the group’s left-wing affiliations (her article noted it, but she placed it several paragraphs down):

CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin cryptically said on Monday that Nielsen will “get what she deserves”:

Kirstjen Nielsen, I think, is a great example of what happens when you go to work for Donald Trump. He is the great reputation killer. Here is this woman who was a reasonably-admired bureaucrat. And for the rest of her life, for the rest of her life, people will look at her and think, oh, that’s the woman who put children in cages. That’s the woman who broke up families across the border. And you know what? They’ll be right. Because she implemented that policy. Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General, sort of created it, but she implemented it. And, you know, she’s going to get what she deserves.

As to what exactly Nielsen “deserves,” Toobin didn’t elaborate, but you can rest assured if a Republican had said that they would have been considered as threatening a public official. Because double standards and all that.

Toobin’s comments and the actions of Restore Public Trust are part and parcel of the larger Democratic effort to “pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it” a la Saul Alinksy.

Mere run of the mill activism is no longer en vogue. It’s about the Total War game now, as exemplified by Rep. Maxine Waters’ call to “push back” on Republicans relentlessly, no matter where they are. We’ve gone beyond “you will be made to care.” Now you will suffer as a result of any of your political affiliations or stances that don’t properly align with The Resistance’s goals.

We’ve seen it for decades, prior to Waters’ call for confrontations. But social media, YouTube, left-leaning 24 hour news networks, and the desire for insta-news have made it much easier, and much more attractive for the activist left – many who are well-compensated for their stir-the-pot activities – to get their message across.

In a matter of seconds, millions of people can watch their protest videos on Twitter. In a a matter of minutes, the leftist narrative can be repeated over and over again based off of deceptive videos. The left, thanks to their wealthy financial backers, has fine-tuned the ability to change public perception on any given issue with a simple click of the “publish” button.

There are numerous examples of this in action.

1. We saw in the case of the Covington kids, who faced death threats after a short, deceptive video that made it look like a bunch of white kids were harassing a Native American activist spread across social media like wildfire. The real story was far different, and didn’t fit the desired leftist/media narrative.

2. As I’ve written before, North Carolinians saw left-wing mob tactics in action during the HB2 “bathroom bill” drama. Democrats urged boycotts of their own state. Liberal groups went door-to-door demanding to know if businesses were “transgender friendly.” Both of the state’s major papers published straight-news pieces that contained headcounts they had tallied of where businesses stood on the bill.

3. And advertisers will pull their ads faster than you can say “boycott” thanks to targeted campaigns like the one the left-wing Media Matters website is waging against Fox News.

4. Just recently, as a result of the liberal website Think Progress‘s March report on Chick-fil-A’s 2017 supposed anti-LGBTQ charitable contributions, Democrat politicians in both San Antonio and Buffalo were instrumental in effectively getting the restaurant banned from their respective airport locations.

I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

Something else to keep in mind here is that this is not about cages. If it was, President Obama and officials in his administration should have taken more heat because this started under his watch.

Non-compliant Republicans aren’t safe where they sleep, where they eat, where they travel, where they work, and now where the may want to work in the future. These are the only cages we’re talking about here.

–Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter.–

Tags: Democrats, DHS, Jeffrey Epstein, Kirstjen Nielsen, Trump Immigration