George Mason U. Students Demand Brett Kavanaugh be Fired as Visiting Prof

You have to marvel at the audacity of these students. They hate Kavanaugh so no one should be allowed to learn from him.

The College Fix reports:

Students demand GMU fire Justice Brett Kavanaugh from visiting law professor postMany George Mason University students — including a “survivors” group and the College Democrats — are demanding that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh be fired from his recently established post as a distinguished visiting law professor.The protest came swiftly after news recently broke that Kavanaugh was hired in a three-year contract by GMU’s Antonin Scalia Law School, and is set to teach a class in England this summer, the Fourth Estate student newspaper reported.“The class, titled ‘Creation of the Constitution,’ will be taught by Kavanaugh and law school professor Jennifer Mascott, Kavanaugh’s former law clerk,” according to the Estate.The College Fix reached out to Mascott for comment but has yet to hear back. But student reaction has been swift, with some calling for the university to cut ties with the newly minted Supreme Court justice.A petition created by “Mason 4 Survivors” demands that the university “terminate AND void ALL contracts and affiliation with Brett Kavanaugh at George Mason University.” So far nearly 2,000 have signed it.Using the tagline #CancelKavanaugh, the organization bills itself on Twitter as a “student-led advocacy group in solidarity with survivors, advocating for transparency, and demanding systemic reform at GMU.”The student group claims Kavanaugh’s hiring is the latest in a string of incidents that show the university has “failed survivors and the Mason community.”

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, College Insurrection