Biden and Sanders Lead Polling Among Democrat Presidential Contenders

The party of diversity is currently enamored with two old white guys and the hubris of it all is delicious.

Two old white guys are steadily outpacing their younger, far more progressive political competition. Creepy Uncle Joe, who has yet to formally declare candidacy, has a commanding lead, followed the Wild Haired Socialist, Bernie Sanders.

A poll conducted by Politico/Morning Consult surveyed more than 13,000 likely Democrat voters and found Biden leading the pack at 32% and Sanders 9 points behind at 23%. So whichever campaign is working tirelessly to topple Biden is failing and miserably, even if Biden’s favorability numbers have waffled a bit.

The spate of negative stories about Joe Biden’s interactions with women hasn’t upended the former vice president’s standing as presumptive 2020 Democratic front-runner, according to the first national poll of the presidential field conducted since the controversy erupted.In a survey from Morning Consult, Biden was still at the top of the list of candidates with the support of 32 percent of voters who say they intend to participate in a Democratic primary or caucus next year. He is 9 points ahead of the next closest contender: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), at 23 percent.Biden’s support has been steady as he has mulled jumping into the race for his party’s nomination. In the past nine weeks, Morning Consult has found Biden’s support ranging from 29 percent to 35 percent. This week’s 32 percent score is down just 1 point from last week.The latest poll, which was conducted April 1-7, included 13,644 voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 1 percentage point.

For context:

Byron York of the Washington Examiner laid it out — both Biden and Sanders are too old to run for president:

Whatever their differences, the two front-runners in the Democratic presidential race, Joe Biden, born November 20, 1942, and Bernie Sanders, born September 8, 1941, share one common trait: They are too old to be president.Biden, leading the Real Clear Politics average of polls, will be 78 years old on inauguration day 2021. Sanders, number two in the field, will be 79. Both would be older upon taking office than Ronald Reagan was when he left office after two terms.Voters are clearly open to older candidates. President Trump, born June 14, 1946, is the oldest president ever to take office — 70 years old on inauguration day, a few months older than Reagan when he took power. And of course, Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, born October 26, 1947, who, had she won, would have been the same age as Reagan, 69, upon taking office.Americans elect a president with the understanding that he or she might serve eight years. If that were the case with a President Sanders, he would be 87 years old on leaving office, and a President Biden would be 86.

I’m so old, I remember Biden was the perpetual embarrassment of the Obama administration. Biden was routinely shuttled off beyond the public gaze after saying outlandish and wacky things in very public spaces. This was a pattern for 8 years.

But hey, if that’s the road Democrats want to take, by all means…

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden