Shocker: Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown Decides Not to Run for President
“I will keep fighting for all workers across the country. And I will do everything I can to elect a Democratic President and a Democratic Senate in 2020.”

After touring the first primary states, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) has decided not to join the already crowded 2020 Democrat presidential field.
Brown believes the best place for him is in the Senate.
NEWS: SHERROD BROWN not running for president in 2020
— Scott Wong (@scottwongDC) March 7, 2019
Brown vows to do whatever he can to elect a Democratic president and pull the Democrats into power in the Senate.
“I will keep calling out Donald Trump and his phony populism,” Brown wrote in his statement. “I will keep fighting for all workers across the country. And I will do everything I can to elect a Democratic President and a Democratic Senate in 2020. The best place for me to make that fight is in the United States Senate.”
While considered a long shot, his win in November for a third-term in the Senate had some believe he could challenge Trump in 2020. From The New York Times:
But it was his nearly seven-point victory in November for his third term in the Senate that suggested to his supporters that he could be singularly positioned to win back not just Ohio but the key Midwestern and Rust Belt states that Mr. Trump flipped in 2016: Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Mr. Brown ran roughly 10 percentage points better than Hillary Clinton did in Ohio two years earlier.
Brown traveled to Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, which led people to believe he would run for president. He had said that the visits were part of his “Dignity of Work” tour:
But although Mr. Brown was considered a possible running mate for Mrs. Clinton in 2016, he is not well known on the national stage — especially compared to other potential candidates including Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Joseph R. Biden Jr., the former vice president. As part of his decision-making process, he set off on what he called his “Dignity of Work” tour, billing it as an opportunity to listen to voters and spread his signature message across the country.
“The dignity of work is a value that unites us all,” he said in a statement announcing the tour. “It’s what I fight for every day representing the people of Ohio, and it’s what we will fight for together on this tour around the country.”

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Have you stopped beating your wife?
Wife Beater Brown would have been fun to have him around 🙂
No worries, son of Postman has been running for president for a long time. He just doesn’t have the integrity to admit it.
I hereby announce that I am not running for President in 2020.
I knew you were all hanging on the edge of your chairs for that news. I’ve spoken to my dog, and he also has no plans of running for that high office. This decision will change if either of us feel compelled by duty to run for President.
I wonder how much he was paid to drop out?
If he wasn’t paid, perhaps hilary/Kasich/aoc/harris posited that it would be a shame if something happened to his lovely family?
A few more dozen drop-outs and the crazy lefties will be down to double-digits still in there running. BTW, I heard from dingy harry’s friend’s cousin’s hairdresser that a dog catcher in Arizona had also dropped out, but would reconsider if he/she/it were drafted.
The real and only wildcard is still Schultz. If he stays in, it won’t matter who the dem candidate is. If he does, I predict a landslide electoral college win for our current President Trump and our country. MAGA.
… and the fact that he stands no chance had absolutely nothing to do with his decision.
And I will do everything I can to elect a Democratic President and a Democratic Senate in 2020
He misspelled fascist and wrote democrat instead. He needs to be corrected.
“The dignity of work.”
Right there he shows himself to be out of step with mainstream Social Democrat thought, with its assertion of the dignity of not working.
“Dignity of work,” huh? So I guess he didn’t sign on to the Green New Deal.