Harvard Business School to Hire ‘Associate Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging’
“will be creating new metrics that capture students’ experience at the school to understand diversity and belonging”

Everyone knows a business degree is useless if you haven’t had access to a diversity bureaucrat.
The College Fix reports:
Harvard to hire new ‘diversity, inclusion, and belonging’ director for business school
Here’s some not-so surprising news: Harvard Business School is taking the “bold” step of hiring an Associate Director for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging, apparently because some of the best and brightest human specimens on the planet may not feel that they, well, belong.
According to The Crimson, this new position will be responsible for coordinating “between students, faculty, and staff to improve the environment surrounding equity and inclusion at the school.” If that’s not specific enough for you, Harvard Business School’s Ellen Mahoney says the new hire “will be creating new metrics that capture students’ experience at the school to understand diversity and belonging.”
“When you look at inclusion and belonging, we all have our sense for what that means. Part of what we are trying to figure out is what that means for the various communities that come here,” Mahoney said.
At an institution whose total cost of attendance hovers at around $70,000 per year, one might expect something a bit more … concrete.

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They need someone to figure out why people are willing to pay $200 for sneakers.
Why not just let them all bring their mommies?
Some Harvard alumni should together suggest Lizzie Warren for that position.
Liz warren is perfect.
Who better for the ASSISTANT position than a 1/1024 Peruvian?
Let me guess, white Christian males need not apply.