Disney Rehires Controversial Director James Gunn for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

In a surprising twist, James Gunn will be returning to helm the director’s chair once again for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

James Gunn became infamous in July of last year as the result of dozens of rancid and offensive tweets in which Gunn made crude and unfunny jokes about rape and pedophilia. Within hours, Gunn had been fired from Disney.

Gunn’s tweets can be viewed here, beware that they are quite grotesque.

It would appear that Disney has had backroom discussions to bring Gunn back into the MCU for several months and didn’t announce them until just now.

In a time when the left is constantly pushing for the sexualization of children and for greater acceptance of pedophilia, a number of people, particularly on the right, felt that his comments pushed too far into the realm of unacceptability and that he shouldn’t be working at a company making children’s movies. Progressive activists didn’t appreciate the sentiment.

They consider de-platforming to be THEIR tool to use against wrong thinkers.

It just goes to show that double standards still very much exist. The left is willing to forgive egregious sins from its own people if they have the right beliefs.

Tags: Culture, Progressives