VA Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax rape accuser Meredith Watson: “I’m willing to testify in public”
“Despite every attempt to shame me, I am not ashamed. It is Justin Fairfax who should be ashamed.”

Meredith Watson, the second woman who accused Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of rape, lashed at out the politician and those who have not called for a public hearing into the accusations in The Washington Post.
Watson has accused Fairfax of raping her in 2000 when both of them attended Duke University. She wrote that she came out in an effort to support Professor Vanessa Tyson, the first woman who accused Fairfax of sexual assault:
Despite the professed belief of numerous elected officials in Virginia and elsewhere that Vanessa Tyson, who says that Fairfax sexually assaulted her in 2004, and I have brought forward credible allegations, the Virginia General Assembly has not taken the simple and responsible step of arranging the thorough public hearing that we have sought.
This is how the culture of sexual assault, harassment and the disempowerment of women persists.
Since I came forward less than two weeks ago, certain politicians offered to support me if I made it a partisan issue. I refused. Likewise, I have refused to make this a financial issue by suing for compensation. I have refused to make it a law-enforcement issue. Despite nearly 100 offers to be interviewed, I have refused to make my rape a media opportunity.
My motivation was never for personal gain.
Watson explained that the only thing she gained was “relentless scrutiny of my personal life and unending, bitter flood of hurtful misinformation trumpeted by the media.” She took steps to protect her and her family, especially since people sought out what she was like in elementary records and tried to obtain medical and financial records.
She has a point. On February 12, The Daily Beast wrote that a man filed a restraining order against her in 2008. After the calls for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford to testify now everyone on the left wants due process for Fairfax.
The Associated Press had to inform everyone that Watson is an “intensely private single mother.”
Watson stressed that this is why so few women come forward, mainly women of color:
Fairfax denied that he raped me, and he denied Tyson’s account as well. And for many in the public, the media and the Virginia General Assembly, that was that. In one week, they moved on.
I told my story, and in a single week my life was probed, exposed, examined and picked over. This is what women who come forward know to expect, and to fear. Few rape victims do come forward. The rapists shake free what soon becomes just a slight taint, and they move on.
Women of color who report rape know to expect a dismissive response characterized by even greater disbelief and more abuse, if not complete and utter indifference.
While an investigation may appear to be the way to go, Watson reminded everyone that these investigations “are secret proceedings, out of the public eye, leaving victims vulnerable to selective leaks and smears. And we all know how such investigations end: with ‘inconclusive results.'”
Despite the probes and questions from the media, Watson still wants to testify in public:
Tyson has made the same offer. Our plea to the Virginia General Assembly to require the same of Fairfax has been met with inaction.
Despite every attempt to shame me, I am not ashamed. It is Justin Fairfax who should be ashamed. It is the Virginia legislature that should be ashamed. And it is the media that should be ashamed.
If we as a society continue to allow women who report rape to be abused, disparaged and tormented a second time, then shame on us all.

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I am wondering how much the VA Gen. Assembly fears the race card. There are MANY in Richmond who are either Democrat and circling the wagons OR fearing that the fickle finger will point at them, and find some dirt like Northam and Herring have (black face in a year book….or worse).
I am sure many on the GOP side would love to go after Fairfax, as Watson mentions the “make it partisan” angle.
All I can say is…….if he had an R next to his name – regardless of color, race, religion, sex – he’d have been convicted by the press/media already, his life would be in shambles, and he would have a court date to address criminal charges ( can you say Bob McDonnell?!).
“Let’s not rush to judgement” is not just for Jussie Smollett…….
Believe the wimmins!
Shouldn’t wimmins be spelled with a why?
Y of course.
Hillary told me so!
So, if she divorces, does she become an Ex-Y?
Another commenter suggested that Fairfax was toast in one of the other posts about him on LI. I agree.
It is ironic that Fairfox and others of his ilk thought was going to into Northam’s job, and now Fairfax will probably be prosecuted, giving Northam cover to stay in office.
I do not see Blackface as a reason to toss someone out of office, while rape is surely a reason.
It is quite funny to see Democrats tear their members apart.
Maybe Democrats will reevaluate their political correctness standards in the interest of self preservation.
“I can’t believe it’s not Real Democrat Racism!”
(Apologies to the product of “I can’t Believe it’s not Butter.”)
Inaction is the best outcome for Republicans.
Black Virginia voters feel betrayed, left in no-win scenario
Black voters who factored prominently in the 2017 election that helped Northam become governor are feeling betrayed over the scandals that have engulfed the state over the past week, leaving them with a less-than-ideal set of choices at the top of the Democratic Party: a governor and attorney general who wore blackface and a lieutenant governor who stands accused by two women of sexual assault. The next person in line for governor is a conservative Republican.
Many are struggling to come to grips with a list of nagging questions: Do they forgive the Democrats, keep Republicans out of power and demand the governor get serious about racism? Should Northam step down and hand the office to African-American Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, who faces sexual assault allegations? Or should all three of them walk away and let principle prevail, even if the other party takes charge?
I’m sticking with my original prediction — none of these clowns will be removed from office. They are all now trying to skate under the radar or like Northam virtue signalling that he will help Virginia heal with taxpayer dollars. Politicians with integrity are almost impossible to find.
I agree. Ted Chappaquiddick Kennedy and the pants-down presidency of Bill Clinton were watershed moments for the country as the No Consequences Democrats literally got away with rape and murder. After that not much should surprise us.
All right, I’m stumped. She says “it” isn’t a political issue, and it isn’t a financial issue, and it isn’t a law-enforcement issue . . . we’re running out of things which it isn’t. So, what is it?
I see a lot of theories, generalizations and prejudices being paraded about—
This is how the culture of . . .
This is what women who come forward know to expect . . .
Women of color who report rape know to expect . . .
If we as a society continue to allow . . .
A criminal case (we are talking about a crime, right? It’s hard to tell sometimes) is going to need a lot more than a string of homilies.
It’s amazing that nothing has happened with resignations. The fear of a Republican as governor of VA has justified Dems getting away with things Republicans would be tarred and feathered over.
I can think of reasons why the legislature would NOT want hearings.
First, the alleged crimes happened outside the jurisdiction of the commonwealth (Boston, NC). Other than a chance for both sides to speak, what would be gained? It’s a he said / she said until there is evidence from a criminal investigation, which will proceed (or not) at the pace set by NC and Boston authorities, without regard for the wants of VA (as they should). If we believe in ‘until proven guilty’, he gets a pass until then. And by the time that is done, he’ll be out of office. You could make the case that the legislature is being responsible by NOT acting until they have evidence rather than submitting to the partisan character assassination of recent Congressional hearings.
Second. Blacks may decide that keeping Northam in office will benefit them as he tries to repair his reputation with programs they want.
Third. Republicans, who control the legislature by a narrow (1 vote) margin, are having fun watching the dems swing on this during an election year. They should remember that it’s a good lesson in hubris and ‘what goes around’.
I have to agree with those who say that none of them are going anywhere. The dems will hunker down and wait it out knowing that black and women voters have convinced themselves that there is no option to dem rule. A couple of fake mea culpas after the heat dies off and back to business as usual.
What we have is an incident which occurred almost 20 years ago. There is no independent evidence to support either parties claim. So, judgement has to be rendered based solely upon evidence surrounding the character of the people involved. This means that character has to be investigated. If a person does not want their character investigated, then they should not make accusations to begin with.
As to Fairfax resigning, he would be a fool to do so. What we have here is a man, who has achieved prominence in society, being accused of totally unsubstantiated wrongdoing which occurred nearly two decades before. Why is it being done now? If not for money, than it is being done to destroy the man. The man has already been harmed. If he resigns, he will, more than likely, permanently damage his future prospects. It will be treated as an admission that the claims against him are true. If he stays, then his accusers have to prove an essentially unprovable claim against him. This is a no-brainer.
Normally I would agree, but that is not the country we have now. Roy Moore and Brett Kavanaugh were presented with decades-old fact-free wackadoodle accusations, and the MSM/DNC axis took them as gospel truth anyway.
Absent a full-scale civil war – and the complete, 100% defeat of progressive politics – I don’t think we can go back to due process and fair play. In that case I am selfish enough to want Democrats to reap what they have sown.
You can not demand a certain set of standards for people that you agree with or support unless you apply those standards to all others.
What happened with Roy Moore and Brett Kavanaugh was the same thing that is happening with Justin Fairfax. A prominent man is being accused of gross misconduct which was, not only years old, but largely unprovable. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the person making the charge to PROVE the accuracy of those charges.
Unless we want to end up in a shooting civil war, then the responsible members of our society had damn well better return to traditional due process. When the rule of law evaporates, society crumbles and the law of the jungle prevails. In actual fact, Fairfax has already suffered harm, probably irreparable. That harm may be justified by his previous actions. Then again, it may not. And, apparently, there is no way to prove his guilt or innocence.
The key point here is that Kavanaugh and Fairfax are being treated entirely differently. I can think of only two differences between them.
There is an allegation, a timely accusation, and if there is probable cause, let there be an investigation.
It’s not another warlock trial if we avoid trial by press, mob intimidation, and other measures to circumvent or sabotage due process.
There is an allegation. But, it is not timely. The incident in question took place over a decade ago. There are no witnesses. There is no physical evidence. And, the one accuser made no report to anyone, even friends. While the second accuser may have told friends, her credibility is strained by previous and subsequent acts.
Should the accusations be investigated? Certainly. Will the truth of the situation be clearly determined? Very unlikely. This is nothing more than an attempt to assassinate a person’s character.