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Professors Struggle to Deal With Being Politically Trolled by Students

Professors Struggle to Deal With Being Politically Trolled by Students

“trying to deal with politically-based harassment and classroom disruptions as they feel unsafe”

It sounds like some students are calling out professors for political bias. The “I feel unsafe” line is right out of the progressive student playbook.

The Daily Caller reports:

Illinois Professors Perplexed by Political Disagreement. They Are Looking for Ways to Stop the Trolls

Professors at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) are trying to deal with politically-based harassment and classroom disruptions as they feel unsafe, according to Inside Higher Ed.

UIUC faculty senate members passed a revised policy proposal Monday that says it will strengthen current university policy on student disruptions and harassment.

But media and cinema studies professor Jay Rosenstein’s original idea was to ban students from entering classes if students had a history of trolling or harassing a specific faculty member.

He came up with the idea after claiming a “dedicated political opponent” enrolled in his class to see if the professor was indoctrinating students, Inside Higher Ed reported.

Rosenstein has been against American Indian sports mascots and was arrested in January 2018 after filming a pro-Chief Illiniwek, the school’s mascot, group in the bathroom. Rosenstein claimed he was trying to get footage of the student putting on the American Indian costume and how school employees could be helping the student. The unauthorized filming charge was dropped against the professor, The News-Gazette reported.

The media studies professor also wanted the university to address social media harassment because the university does not fully address the issue, according to the revised policy proposal.

Associate professor of women’s and gender studies and faculty Senator Teresa Barnes believes professors feel “unsafe” because some students will attack their professors on social media over ideology, Inside Higher Ed reported.


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As a professor, I have the surefire cure to feeling “unsafe”.

1. Toughen up and be the adult.

2. Check your own political views at the door and teach your course objectively with respect for all views and belief systems.

3. Retire your activist teaching methods and learn that the course is not about you, but something bigger than yourself.

I never found my political views to be pertinent to computer programming, and therefore never mentioned my politics while teaching. But a “media Studies” professor probably brings his political perspectives into the classroom.

I believe someone needs to point out to Prof. Rosenstein the old adage: if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Let me guess. “Disagreeing” with a professor is the same as “attacking”?

From his University of Illinois page: “Professor Rosenstein is recognized as an expert on the subject of American Indian mascots in sports, and has frequently appeared in the media on the subject.”

We all need experts.

    Gremlin1974 in reply to Jack Klompus. | February 5, 2019 at 12:42 pm

    Can anyone else remember just not long ago when telling someone you were a “recognized as an expert on the subject of American Indian mascots in sports” would have either gotten you laughed at or asked if that meant you had all of them memorized?

Reminds me of Freud…glops of gibberish, ridiculous at its core, but taken seriously by idiots.