Northam Yearbook Photo Reportedly Leaked By Med School Classmate Disgusted by Abortion Comments

Everyone wondered how the racist photos of current Virginia Governor Ralph Northam surfaced. We have now learned that a former med school classmate reportedly shared the information with a reporter after feeling repulsed by Northam’s recent pro-infanticide stance.

The Washington Post reports:

The reporter who exposed Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s racist yearbook photo said a “concerned citizen” led him to the story that has prompted widespread outrage and calls for the Democrat’s resignation.Patrick Howley, editor in chief of the website Big League Politics, first reported Friday the existence of a photo on Northam’s page of his medical school yearbook depicting a figure in blackface standing next to another person in a Ku Klux Klan hood.“It’s very easy to explain,” Howley, 29, said in an interview Saturday. “A concerned citizen, not a political opponent, came to us and pointed this out. I was very offended [by the photo] because I don’t like racism.”The tip came after Northam’s comments on Wednesday about late-term abortions, he said. Howley declined to give any further information about his source, citing a confidentiality agreement. But he said it took him just a few hours to confirm that the photo was authentic.The source of the tip appears to have been a medical school classmate or classmates of Northam who acted as a direct result of the abortion controversy that erupted earlier in the week, according to two people at Big League Politics, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

In a prescient tweet, @DrewMcCoy predicted the source . . . and the reason for it coming to light:

Delightful, and it turns out, likely true.

Tags: Abortion, Democrats, Twitter, Virginia