Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam Tells Staff He Will Not Resign Over Racist Yearbook Photo

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has told his top staffers that he will not resign despite the amount pressure from other Democrats in light of racist yearbook photos. From The Associated Press:

A senior official in Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration says the governor has told his top staff that he does not plan to resign over a racist photo despite intense pressure to step down.The official says Northam told his Cabinet during a Friday afternoon meeting that he intends to stay. The official was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.Northam has faced widespread calls to step down over after his medical school yearbook page with a racist photo surfaced last week. It shows one person in blackface and another in a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood.Northam said last Friday that he was in the picture. On Saturday, he denied he was in the picture and said he was not immediately resigning but left his long-term fate unclear.

Northam sent this out to the employees:

Then again, if Northam resigned, Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax would take over. Two women have now accused Fairfax of rape.

Tags: Virginia