Lara Logan on anti-Trump press: “we’ve become political activists … propagandists”

Lara Logan Interview

Lara Logan, a former foreign affairs reporter for CBS News and 60 Minutes, just appeared in an interview with author and former Navy SEAL Mike Ritland. She provided a sharp critique of American media which was remarkable in its honesty.

Scott Whitlock of NewsBusters has a transcript:

You say the media is mostly liberal. Do I agree with that? Does everyone listening to that agree with that? What’s the opposition on that? I agree with you. It’s true. Why? Can I say that with certainty? Well, first of all because I’ve been part of this for all my life. I’m 47 now and I’ve been a journalist since I was 17. And the media everywhere is mostly liberal. Not just in the U.S. But in this country, 85 percent of journalists are registered Democrats. So that’s just a fact, right?No one’s registering Democrats when they are rarely Republican. So the facts are on the side of what you just stated. Most journalists are left or liberal or Democrat or whatever word you want to give it. I always joke about the other 14 percent were too lazy to register and there’s maybe one percent that’s on the right…How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all [and] there’s no grey. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong. For example, all the coverage on Trump all the time is negative. There is nothing — there is no mitigating policy or event or anything that has happened since he was elected that is out there in the media that you can read about. Well that tells you that’s a distortion of the way things go in real life.So my starting point is if I want to find the truth, where do I begin there and I investigate from that point onwards. It’s got nothing to do with whether I like Trump or I don’t like Trump. Right? Or whether I believe him or identify with him, don’t. Whatever. I don’t even want to have that conversation because I approach that the same way I approach anything. I find that is not a popular way to work in the media today because although the media has always been historically left-leaning, we’ve abandoned our pretense or at least the effort to be objective today…Well, that’s not our job. That’s a political position. That means we’ve become political activists in a sense. And some could argue, propagandists, right? And there’s some merit to that.

Watch the video below:

It looks like Logan has not worked for CBS in over a year.

Cheryl K. Chumley of the Washington Times notes that Logan knows what a risk it is to admit this:

CBS’s Lara Logan — a hero to truthHere’s something you won’t read about every day — a journalist in the mainstream media speaking publicly about the left-leaning bias of the mainstream media.But that’s what CBS’s Lara Logan just did.And it’s not as if she were unaware of the career risks she was taking.“This interview is professional suicide for me,” she said during an interview with retired Navy SEAL Mike Ritland, Mediaite reported.Soon to be reported everywhere, no doubt.

The full version of the interview is pretty long but if you have the time, here it is:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Media Bias, Trump Derangement Syndrome