College Allegedly Altered Billboard Picture to Make Students Look More Diverse
“swapped out two white students with more diverse-looking students”

This illustrates the importance of diversity to higher ed. It’s like an undeclared religion in academia.
The Washington Examiner reports:
College photoshops billboard to make students look more diverse
York College of Pennsylvania isn’t exactly known for its diversity. About 82 percent of its students are white, according to Education Department data.
But, like most universities, it really wants to appear diverse — so much so that the university actually swapped out two white students with more diverse-looking students in a new billboard. The college confirmed the photo was indeed photoshopped.
York doubled down on the controversial photo with defensive comments from multiple university officials, including York College President Pamela Gunter-Smith, who took responsibility for the advertisement.
“We are not as diverse in number as we would like to be, but we are, nevertheless, a diverse campus in all respects,” Gunter-Smith said. All respects, except race or ethnicity, of course.
Did York College photoshop in people of different ethnicities to make them look like a more diverse campus or..
— Corey C-137 (@CoreyReever) January 29, 2019

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I find it stunning that diverse means ONLY skin tone.
Not ethnicity, not ability, not disability, not age, not education background, not number of languages spoken.
Skin toe.
How utterly narrow.
And certainly not diversity of ideas.
Jeeezz, they can’t even do “diversity” right, but have to fake it.
In fairness, the minorities are scarcer than the majority. Therefore, it’s very hard to get enough of them on campus that are up to the task of a college education.
It’s not intellectual inferiority; rather, it’s that the top schools cherry pick an already small group of all of the intellectually fit and even manage to grab a few useful idiots of their own. It’s sad how meritocracy gets thrown out the window and minorities are practically begged and are literally recruited to college campuses.
Professor Jacobson, as an academic, will enjoy this one:
I also once saw a collage brochure for “Stockphoto University”, a parody that used generic images from ShutterStock, etc., to create the silly brochures filled with exactly the right diversity of smiling, happy university students in every photo. Sadly I can’t find it now, but in looking for it Google tells me that there are plenty of photo services that will provide me with exactly those photos. Sigh.