Yellow Vest protestor shot in the back of the head by French police

While the American press has been focused on President Trump and hamburgers, there have been serious developments related to the Yellow Vest protests in France.
A fireman was participating in the Yellow Vest protest movement is now in a coma after being shot in the head by a police officer using a flash ball gun.

Horrific images show Olivier Beziade, a father-of-three in his 30s, lying on the floor in Bordeaux on Saturday after being hit from behind.He is wearing one of the high-visibility motoring jackets from which the Yellow Vests get their name.Videos posted on social media also show Mr Beziade being treated by medics, with his head covered in blood.Mr Beziade suffered a ‘very serious brain injury’ and is currently in an induced coma in hospital, said family members.

There have been many, other troubling reports coming from France as President Emmanuel Macron and the rest of the elite government officials scramble to contain the protest movement. For starters, there will now be bans on “participation in unauthorized demonstrations.”

Seven weeks into rebellion marked by weekly clashes in Paris and other French cities, Philippe said the government would introduce a “new law punishing those who do not respect the requirement to declare [protests], those who take part in unauthorized demonstrations and those who arrive at demonstrations wearing face masks.”He also announced plans to ban known “troublemakers” from taking part in demonstrations, in the same way known soccer hooligans have been banned from stadiums in the past.In future, Philippe said, the onus would be on “the troublemakers, and not taxpayers, to pay for the damage caused” to businesses and property during the protests that began peacefully in mid-November over taxes but quickly became more radical.

Additionally, French riot police are now using semi-automatic weapons with live ammunition against Yellow Vest protestors.

Officers were filmed brandishing Heckler & Koch G36 weapons by the Arc de Triomphe in Paris on Saturday afternoon.The presence of semi-automatic rifles at a demonstration by unarmed French citizens shows how President Emmanuel Macron’s law and order crisis spirals.It comes after former conservative minister Luc Ferry called for live fire to be used against the ‘thugs’ from the Yellow Vest movement who he says ‘beat up police’.

British pundit Paul Joseph Watson has a wonderful summary of the continuing situation. He notes that when Antifa leftists were protesting, the progressives in power were sanguine with their destruction. However, when citizens demonstrate against excessive taxation and regulatory repression…”it is a dark harbinger of a fascist takeover.”

In a bold move, Macron is trying to channel “Yellow Vest” anger into a “Great Debate”. It’s the French version of the Tea Party townhalls!

Mr. Macron held a town hall in northern France on Tuesday with hundreds of mayors who he asked to help organize what he calls a great national debate, an unorthodox public forum for citizens to make legislative proposals—and blow off steam.Mr. Macron has billed the “grand débat” as an experiment in direct democracy that he hopes will mollify protesters who have taken to the streets in recent months, burning cars, smashing storefronts and demanding his resignation.“What I’m expecting from you is to act as facilitators, that is to help all those who want to conduct discussions at the local level,” Mr. Macron told the mayors on Tuesday.

I suspect that the shooting of a fireman in the head will not create an incentive for regular French citizenry to willingly debate with their globalist leaders.

Tags: France