Trump’s Next State of the Union Address Could Take Place Outside of Washington

In a nakedly political move, Nancy Pelosi has declared that Trump’s state of the union address next week shouldn’t take place in the House of Representatives. She cited safety concerns due to the government shutdown, but that’s utter nonsense.

If the Republican controlled House had tried to block Obama from giving a SOTU address in the chamber, the left would have cried racism and Pelosi likely would have agreed.

Despite Pelosi’s petty power play, Trump is going to give this address, and the location could be a bit creative.

Alex Pappas reports at FOX News:

White House planning to proceed with State of the Union, but details up in the air after Pelosi threatThe White House is still planning to move ahead with next week’s scheduled State of the Union address, but the details remain up in the air after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi strongly urged the president to delay the speech or submit it in writing amid the government shutdown fight.According to multiple sources, it remains unclear whether the address scheduled for Jan. 29 will in fact go forward, or what venue it would be in. The White House is even planning for the possibility of a speech outside of Washington.“We are still in a holding pattern,” one senior source said.But Fox News has learned that the White House sent a letter to the House Sergeant at Arms asking to schedule a walk-through for next week’s planned address. This comes after a previously scheduled walk-through last week was canceled at Pelosi’s request.At the moment, President Trump intends to be at the Capitol next Tuesday to deliver his speech as scheduled, sources said. White House officials told Fox News they essentially are preparing for two tracks for next week’s speech. The preferred track is an address, as per custom, at the Capitol. The second track is a backup plan for a speech outside of Washington, D.C.

Rush Limbaugh recently suggested that this is a golden opportunity for Trump to deliver a SOTU address outside of Washington and directly to the American people. See the short clip in the tweet below:

According to ABC News, Trump is currently preparing more than one speech, depending on where he ends up delivering it:

Trump preparing two State of the Union speeches for different audiences: SourcesPresident Donald Trump is preparing for two different State of the Union speeches – one a more traditional address delivered to Congress in the House chamber or some other location in D.C., the other prepared for a political rally at a location outside of Washington, D.C. that has yet to be determined, according to multiple sources familiar with the planning.Sources told ABC News that the president was previously planning two separate versions of the State of the Union – one version if the government was still shut down and another if the government was open…The president tweeted Sunday that “there are so many options” he’s considering to give the address.”Nancy, I am still thinking about the State of the Union speech, there are so many options – including doing it as per your written offer (made during the Shutdown, security is no problem), and my written acceptance. White a contract is a contract, I’ll get back to you soon!”White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Tuesday that the White House had “no announcement at this time” on the president’s plans but added that “Nancy Pelosi does not dictate to the president when he will or will not have a conversation with the American people.”

A lot of people on Twitter have suggested Trump deliver the address at the border, surrounded by border patrol agents and Angel Families. It’s not a bad idea.

Tags: Congress, Nancy Pelosi, SOTU, Trump Speech