Texas Estimates Some 58K Non-citizens Voted in Elections Over the Last 22 Years
But remember, voter fraud isn’t real

An evaluation conducted by the office of the Texas Secretary of State found some 95,000 non-U.S. citizens on the voter registration roles. Of those 95K, they believe more than half voted in one or more elections over the last two decades.
From Austin local news:
An evaluation by the Texas Secretary of State’s office discovered that about 95,000 people identified by the Texas Department of Public Safety as non-U.S. citizens have a matching voting registration record. The state claims 58,000 of those people voted in one or more state elections over 22 years.
For perspective, during the 2018 Gubernatorial election, more than 15.7 million people were registered to vote, and more than 8.3 million actually voted.
In an advisory released Friday, the Texas Secretary of State, David Whitley, announced the findings from its voter registration maintenance activities.
The maintenance activity was done in accordance with federal and state law to ensure that only qualified voters — who must first and foremost be U.S. citizens — are registered to vote in Texas elections, per the Secretary of State.
The Texas Secretary of State cannot investigate or prosecute illegal activity so he turned the information over to the Texas Attorney General’s Office. Voting without eligibility is a second-degree felony in Texas.
“My Election Fraud Unit stands ready to investigate and prosecute crimes against the democratic process when needed,” wrote Attorney General Ken Paxton in a statement.
And video:
The usual suspects are skeptical (local news ctd):
CIvil [sic] rights groups and Mexican-American lawmakers were instantly suspicious of the numbers released.
“We need to see the evidence first because, typically, when elections go bad for the party in power, politicans [sic] will blame their electoral shortcomings on ‘voter fraud’,” Dallas State Representative and Chair of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus, Rafael Anchia, said after the news.
But remember, voter fraud isn’t real and voter ID is repressive, or so we’re told.

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“My Election Fraud Unit stands ready to investigate and prosecute crimes against the democratic process when needed,” wrote Attorney General Ken Paxton in a statement.
So, this means charges are imminent, right? Right? Or is that Lucy holding the football again?
I doubt it considering how little open investigates the DOJ has had in the Trump administration
the DOJ should have had the FEC doing broad scope investigations in each state compiling data and hashing that to voters in each district
that would have cleared alot of corruption even without a voter ID law
instead Sessions was too busy with his head up his arse at the border pushing illegals through the federal system, rather than doing something to curtail actual illegal activity within our borders
and the interim DOJ head is even worse than the no show Sessions
can you name anything this buffoon has done?
This is a Texas matter and I’m pretty sure Paxton takes it seriously.
They already have at least a couple of convictions and the sentences haven’t been light.
now you know THAT number is such a low-ball estimate
how many Texas counties did they actually investigate – two?
Yet CNN claims voter fraud doesn’t exist.
This has me thinking about human cannons again. Twenty thousand human cannons could deport over 20 million illegals in five years, but what if we used an injection molded cartridge, and maybe cartridges which hold two people. Going to a cartridge system would allow rapid deportations, increasing from one launch every five minutes, to 2-3 per minute.
I believe a thorough investigation will reveal the problem to be much worse than this. Voter fraud cases to date have been mostly outliers. Systematic fraud, such as ballot harvesting, has so far been very well hidden.
The Left has always been enamored with Stalin, who said: “It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” Hence, Nazi-collaborator George Soros’ Secretary of State Project.
Motor Voter laws and absentee ballots would be the logical place to begin, as they are ripe with opportunities for systematic fraud. A federal law mandating identical voting systems for every state (see H.R. 1 – the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives top priority, of course) would be a godsend for vote fraudsters.
Vote fraud is not going away, it is getting worse. The illegal aliens pouring across our southern border are both a cause and a symptom of much of it.
Ballot harvesting (where allowed by law) is not in itself fraudulent. The video that circulated of a Dem volunteer in Orange County actually shows how it should be done; the volunteer, with no reason to lie, described her training, and evidently the Dem operation in OC correctly trained the volunteers to do it honestly.
The problem with ballot harvesting is that it’s incredibly easy to abuse, and I suspect without evidence that in addition to the volunteers doing it the right way the OC Dems had professionals doing it the dishonest and criminal way. The honest volunteers, besides bringing in valuable honest votes, provided cover for the crooks. I say this not because I have any specific knowledge pointing that way, but because this is how Dems operate. Yes, it’s ad hominem; but it’s the way to bet. If I’m wrong in this instance, so be it, but I’m not wrong in general.
2020 will be the deluge. That’s the whole plan. After the vote is cast it can’t be erased. And the stupid, feckless Republicans haven’t and won’t do anything effective against it.
I suspect the actual number is much higher.
Once again, this is an issue that can only be stopped with valid voter id at the polls. As an example, if I the illegal alien registered to vote as Bob Costas, proceeded to vote as Bob Costas, and lived my life as Bob Costas, I’m fine. So eventually a cop shows up at my residence and says “You’re not a legal citizen, so why did you vote?” I can respond “Me? I’m sorry, I never voted. Must be somebody else using my fake identity of Bob Costas.”
Now as a prosecutor, try to make a voter fraud case against me. There’s no photo id at the polls. Nobody can possibly remember everybody who came through. No video tape. That illegible scrawl I made next to my name could be done by a child.
Now try that in Kansas. Requires a driver’s license (or Kansas non-driver’s ID) to vote, and that ID is electronically verified before you get your ballot.
The people in this report did not register under false names. They used their own names, so requiring ID (which Texas does) did’t stop them.
Also, this isn’t about illegal aliens, it’s about legal ones.
There is nothing to fear from local governments allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections, either. I’m certain those highly principled and honest marxists in those jurisdictions would never let non-citizens get ahold of a ballot that included candidates for state and federal offices.
What kind of mischief could possibly follow allowing non-citizens into the polling place?
Once it becomes a well established fact that yes illegals do vote by the millions…the left will change their cry from they never vote to they should be allowed to vote and anyone questioning their “right” is a racist. Cities and counties and states will become illegal voting sanctuaries….wait and see
Once it becomes a well established fact that yes illegals do vote by the millions…the left will change their cry from they never vote to they should be allowed to vote and anyone questioning their “right” is a racist. Cities and counties and states will become illegal voting sanctuaries….wait and see
This story is about aliens, not specifically illegal ones.
…..your point?
It doesn’t matter if they are illegal or green card holders…the article IS about ILLEGAL voting. Both do it and I’m willing to bet a far higher number of illegals do it than green card holders…
My point is that this has nothing to do with “illegal aliens”, and dragging them into it just obfuscates the issue and conflates it with the completely separate issue of the border crisis. The issue is aliens voting; how they got here isn’t relevant. And Voter ID is of no use in stopping it, because they register and vote in their own names.