Harvard Law Prof Defends Decision to Represent Harvey Weinstein

Some students apparently questioned this. I remember something similar happening in the 80’s when Alan Dershowitz decided to represent Claus von Bülow.

The Harvard Crimson reports:

Harvard Law Prof. Sullivan Defends Decision to Represent Weinstein Following Student ConcernsHarvard Law Professor and Winthrop House Faculty Dean Ronald S. Sullivan Jr. sent an email to Winthrop students and resident tutors Friday defending his decision to represent former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein in his Manhattan sexual abuse case.Sullivan sent the missive to Winthrop affiliates late Friday night, writing that he had heard some residents had concerns about about his decision to represent Weinstein.“It has come to my attention that a few of you have questions and a few others have concerns in regard to my most recent representation,” Sullivan wrote. “I shall take this opportunity to say a word to our community about the nature of criminal defense in the United States.”Sullivan also announced he would be holding office hours on Monday and Tuesday night for anyone with questions or concerns.“Winthrop has been and will remain a space that welcomes all points of view,” Sullivan wrote. “Free, frank and robust dialogue is the best way to clear up any confusions.”Sullivan wrote more broadly about representation in the United States, writing that “every citizen charged with a crime is cloaked with the presumption of innocence.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Harvard Law, Harvey Weinstein