Confirmed Again: “Survey reveals clear link between BDS and Jew-hate”
Confirming what experience tells us.
There is a growing recognition that the so-called Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel is just a new form of the oldest hate, antisemitism.
We have documented here many times how BDS has a direct connection to the anti-Jewish boycotts in the 1920s and 1930s in the then British Mandate for Palestine, the anti-Jewish boycott of the Arab League (which was put in place three years prior to Israeli’s independence), and the gross antisemitic activism at the 2001 Tehran and Durban conferences which launched boycotts in the current form.
The claim that BDS was a response to a 2005 call from Palestinian civil society is a demonstrable lie. That was the cover story to repackage an anti-Jewish boycott in the language of ‘social justice’, as documented in my lecture, The REAL history of the BDS movement:
The BDS movement on campuses, not surprisingly, stokes anti-Jewish sentiment under the guise of anti-Zionism, New study: BDS activists hostile toward Jewish students, not just Israel.
In the U.S., the BDS movement has made inroads mostly on campuses, fed by street intimidation from groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine, academic thuggery from faculty who take over academic associations, and libelous antisemitic conspiracy theories by groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace. But with the exception of a handful of Democrats representatives, BDS has not spread widely in the U.S.
In Britain, both BDS and antisemitism have spread through a major political party, the Labour Party and its leader, Jeremy Corbyn.
The toxic mix of anti-Zionism and antisemitism on British campuses and in British Society is much worse than in the U.S. A new report documents the connection.
The Jewish Chronicle in Britain reports, Report finds clear link between antisemitism and hostility to Israel:
A new report has established a clear link between antisemitism and hostility towards Israel, finding that the strongest holders of antisemitic views tend to support boycotts of Israel or consider it an apartheid state.
Jonathan Boyd, executive director of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research and the report’s co-author, said that people who hold “traditional antisemitic views” about divided Jewish loyalties or the nefarious use of power are more likely to back ideas of boycott or apartheid than those who do not hold them.
“That does not mean that everyone endorsing these ideas [apartheid and boycotting] is necessarily an antisemite,” Dr Boyd added.
“Indeed the data also indicate that some people who hold these views about Israel exhibit no particular hostility towards Jews at all.
“But it does indicate that Jewish people, the majority of whom are broadly supportive of Israel, are right to be cautious here.” The paper — jointly published this week by JPR with the Community Security Trust — was based on a survey of 4,000 people in Britain carried out by Ipsos Mori between late 2016 and early 2017.
Among people who strongly agreed or tended to agree with five antisemitic ideas presented to them, 58 per cent viewed Israel as an apartheid state: while of those who identified with six or more antisemitic ideas, 52 per cent were in favour of a boycott.
While acknowledging the link between BDS and Jew-hate, the survey also found low levels of support for BDS among the population at large, as The Jewish Telegraph Agency reports
The British branch of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel possesses a weapon matched by few other affiliates: star power.
More than any of its international counterparts, BDS UK enjoys the support of renowned musicians like Roger Waters, Brian Eno, Peter Gabriel, Richard Ashcroft and Jarvis Cocker, whom boycott activists like to parade in various petitions. Also on board are eminent filmmakers like Ken Loach and Mike Leigh, and even the celebrated actress Julie Christie has signed on.
(On Tuesday, several of those stars signed yet another petition, urging the BBC to push for the 2019 Eurovision song contest to be moved out of Israel, which they accuse of employing “apartheid” policies.)
The pro-Israel camp has its own British celebrity advocates, including singers Morrissey, the Australia-born (but U.K.-based) singer Nick Cave and the band Radiohead.
What effect are these celebrities having in the fight for British hearts and minds?
Some insight can be found in the largest-ever poll on the popularity of the BDS campaign in Britain, the results of which were published Wednesday.
It doesn’t look too good for BDS.
In the poll of 4,005 British respondents, only 10 percent agreed that Israel should be boycotted, compared to 46 percent who disagreed, according to the Ipsos MORI polling company. It conducted the survey in 2016 and 2017 for the Institute for Jewish Policy Research and the Community Security Trust.
Significantly, another 42 percent said they either had no opinion or did not know, with the remaining 2 percent saying they would rather not express an opinion.
So the good news is that a relatively small percentage of the population supports BDS despite the high-profile celebrities and all the noise, but those who do are likely to express that support as antisemitism.
You can read the full report here.
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So it is a stretch to say they’re “Nazis?” Just asking
Has anyone ever quantified Nazi damage to Germany’s intellectual capacity? First Germany killed or chased the best and brightest away. No they are importing dull witted Muslims, who will greatly lower Germany’s average IQ.
Germans have committed cultural and genetic suicide.
Yes, it’s a stretch. All nazis are antisemites, but not all antisemites are nazis. To say that someone is a nazi you have to show more than that they hate Jews.
The “Palestinians”, however, are nazis. Not simply because they hate Jews, and not through some sort of analogy. They’re not neo-nazis. Rather, their cause is literally a direct continuation of the actual historical nazi cause. When their German allies were defeated they simply carried on the struggle on their own, and have been doing so ever since.
Bright light. It’s good for making the roaches scurry.
In 2012 – at Barak Obama’s 2nd DNC, there was some pro-Israel statement in the Democrat Platform that they asked to be approved
by voice vote. The Chair was stunned when it was voted down. He called for a re-vote and it was voted down a second time – but the Chair used his perogative and called it passed.
I was working security in the building, and we were concerned at the level of anti-Israel animosity coming from the gallery.
A little like being on fire has a clear link with third-degree burns.
Why is anyone surprised by this? It’s obvious.
It’s no surprise, and the article actually downplays it. The simple fact is that there are very few grounds on which one can be anti-zionist without being antisemitic. And as far as I can tell there are no grounds (other than plain ignorance) on which one can support the “Palestinian” cause without being antisemitic.
I have identified three separate non-antisemitic grounds on which one could in good faith oppose zionism. But each of these grounds should logically lead one to oppose the “Palestinian” cause even more. And very few public anti-zionists actually subscribe to any of these three grounds. The only other motivation I can think of for opposing zionism is that one hates Jews, and that is what motivates almost all public anti-zionists, whether they admit it or not, and whether they’re even conscious of it or not.