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A Legal Battle is Unfolding Over Pronouns at a University in Ohio

A Legal Battle is Unfolding Over Pronouns at a University in Ohio

“philosophy professor declined to refer to a transgender student as a female”

Is this what you expected the 21st century to be like? Legal battles in academia over pronoun usage?

Campus Reform reports:

Ohio univ: Gender pronoun usage is not free speech

A public university in Ohio is requesting that a federal judge dismiss a lawsuit filed by a professor who was disciplined for calling a transgender student “sir.”

Shawnee State University argues in a January court filing that addressing students by their requested pronouns is included in Professor Nicholas Meriwether’s job description, and is not considered speech protected by the First Amendment, according to the Ironton Tribune.

The philosophy professor declined to refer to a transgender student as a female, instead choosing to call the student “sir,” according to a lawsuit filed by the Christian conservative nonprofit Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) in federal court.

Meriwether’s lawsuit states that the professor “has always used the titles and pronouns that refer to a student’s biological gender,” adding that he “has never knowingly used feminine titles and pronouns to refer to men or masculine titles and pronouns to refer to women.”

The lawsuit claims that during a class in January 2018, a student “demanded” the professor properly use the correct gender pronoun in any conversation in which the student identified as a female. When the professor refused to refer to the student as a female, the student told the professor, “then I guess this means I can call you a c**t,” according to the court filing.


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The Dems/Progs have a real problem with reality. Truth and accuracy continue to be sacrificed on their alter of Political Correctness.

We must never cave to them.
We don’t feed delusions.
They are illogical and anti-science.