This is a college course that people are going to actually pay to take. Why?
Campus Reform reports:
‘Queer Lights’ coming to UMass-AmherstThe University of Massachusetts-Amherst is offering a new seminar course for the spring 2019 semester titled ‘Queer Lights’.The class “will cast light on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and asexual (LGBTQA) topics while the students in the class literally cast light-building LGBTQA-themed electronic light displays,” according to the course description.Among the topics discussed will be “the intersections of racial and LGBTQA identities, the campus climate for LGBTQA students, and the legal and political rights of LGBTQA people today.”David McLaughlin, a UMass professor who received a TIDE (Teaching for Inclusiveness, Diversity, and Equity) Ambassadorship for the campus because of his contributions in creating “Queer Lights,” states that the course provides new ways for teaching about inclusion.“This course contributes to, and may be a new model for, addressing diversity, inclusion, and equity topics in the classroom,” McLaughlin said in a news release.