U. S. Agrees To Suspend Tariff Increase While Trade Talks Continue
White House: China “has agreed to start purchasing agricultural product from our farmers immediately”

In a meeting between President Trump and China’s Xi Jinping, Trump agreed to delay the increase in tariffs scheduled for January 1, 2019 while trade talks continue.
The tariffs in question were set to jump from 10% to 25%, but this increase will not take place while the two countries engage in further trade talks. The talks are currently expected to last 90 days.
The White House said late Saturday that President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping had agreed to a truce in the ongoing trade war, and Mr. Trump agreed not to raise tariffs any further. Both presidents called the meeting “highly successful,” although the White House statement left out any details.
. . . . White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said both leaders have agreed to address several issues, including the need to protect so-called “intellectual property,” a key issue for American businesses worried about losing competitive technology. Other issues include “structural changes with respect to forced technology transfer, non-tariff barriers, cyber intrusions and cyber theft, services and agriculture.” Discussions will begin immediately with a goal of concluding within 90 days.
Tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese products were set to jump from 10 percent to 25 percent after Jan. 1, 2019.
In addition to this agreement, the White House announced that China has reportedly agreed to purchase agricultural product from U. S. farmers.
China “has agreed to start purchasing agricultural product from our farmers immediately,” Sarah Huckabee Sanders says.
China, the world’s dominant importer of soybeans, has been shunning U.S. beans and the 2018 harvest has been piling up, unsold.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) December 2, 2018
At a post-G20 summit meeting in Buenos Aires, Mr Trump agreed not to boost tariffs on $200bn (£157bn) of Chinese goods from 10% to 25% on 1 January.
China will buy a “very substantial” amount of agricultural, industrial and energy products, the US says.
Meanwhile, Beijing says the two sides agreed to open up their markets.
Mr Trump and Mr Xi held a “highly successful meeting”, the White House says in a statement.
It says the US tariffs on Chinese goods will remain unchanged for 90 days, but warns: “If at the end of this period of time, the parties are unable to reach an agreement, the 10 percent tariffs will be raised to 25 percent.”
The US says China agreed to “purchase a not yet agreed upon, but very substantial, amount of agricultural, energy, industrial, and other products from the United States to reduce the trade imbalance between our two countries”.

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Hardest hit? Democrats.
I’m surprised these idiots haven’t come out with a statement supporting China already!!
When all your heros are politicians
You have no heros at all.
The biggest thing about Democrats that has always made me shake my head is the need for them to turn their politicians INTO heroes.
Hillary Clinton is a disgusting, slimy, money-grubber that has never accomplished anything for Democrats. But they treat her like the second coming of Christ.
And we’re seeing this again with Ocasio-Cortez. This is a woman that is just a flat out IDIOT, but Democrats are convinced that she’s the next Chosen One here to heal the world.
WOW its almost like this was the plan the whole time, and tariffs are a tool to trade negotiations.
After a new trade deal with South Korea which resulted in a new regime of “managed trade”, can you name all the US tariffs that have been lifted?
Duh Donald doesn’t like trade, unless it benefits his crony crapatilist buds. Normal Americans? Never.
Those who suffer from the Little Person Syndrome cannot accept those who are smarter, wealthier and wield far more power.
All you have is bullshit name-calling. Stupid, weak, and powerless in the face of simple facts.
Talking about “Stupid, weak, and powerless in the face of simple facts.” You are on record as opposing the free movement of labor across borders. Labor is a vital component of free trade as are raw materials, finished goods, etc. A true free trader would support it, but you don’t. Asked to explain your opposition, you revert to bullshit name-calling. Why should anyone give credibility to your ideas when you won’t / can’t politely defend your position?
You are a liar.
There’s a LOT more to “open borders” than your stupid lying assertion regarding trade.
Or do you deny that?
Yes, I do deny that.
Yes. You would. I oppose “open borders” for a number of reasons, and you’re quite willing to lie about the whole question to get a cheap “win” as you suppose. You’re a despicable T-rump sucker who cannot deal in reality.
Since you deny opponents the use of collateral issues raised by tariff reciprocity, etc in defending their position, it’s only fair that you also be denied collateral damage issues in defending your position on labor freedom. You have no more right to a cheap win than I do. But, if your rules demand it, I can play. If you want to have a ‘pure’ discussion, it has to be pure, not purely one sided.
Tariffs removed is a false measure of success.
Tariffs removed gives the lie to our lying assertion that T-rump wants “free trade”.
What they SHOW is that he’s fundamentally AGAINST trade that is not controlled by BIG GOVERNMENT.
Which you obviously support, you Progressive liar.
If you reduce a client’s tax liability from $100k to $10k, is that a failure because you didn’t eliminate the liability? People in the real world deal with real world success like that every day. A negotiation is a success if you improve your position, even if you don’t get everything you wanted.
I don’t “negotiate” new taxes on my clients. That would be YOUR Little Yellow God, Duh Donald.
Where do you even find the gall to pretend otherwise?
Oh, wait… You are a lying Progressive. Case closed.
How many tariffs has your cult god removed?
Since I don’t have a cult god, the question is meaningless.
Funny, the “trade daffy-sit” (which is a meaningless term used by demagogues) has widened recently.
While US businesses, workers, consumers and farmers have suffered.
As predicted…
“As predicted…”
“Ragspierre” makes funny. A person who bets the opposite of your predictions becomes wealthy.
No one has a worse track record than “Ragspierre”.
This is exactly as I predicted, along with everyone else who knows their ass from your face.
I HAVE predicted this, and you can lie about that all you want. The record is very clear.
“The record is very clear.”
Yes, it is. That’s what makes your pathetic attempts to deflect the truth so funny – everyone can see the result of two years of an American at the helm. Everyone can read the GDP numbers for their selves. Everyone can see the low unemployment rate just as they can see the drop in welfare assistance. We can all see, all of us not blinded by hatred and rage.
As usual, you play the same tune as the progs.
As usual, you lie like a dirty dog.
IS the “trade deficit” up now?
HAVE American businesses, workers, consumers, and farmers been hurt by the stupid Bernie Sanders trade policy that your cult leader dictatorially imposed via lying about his pretext?
“IS the “trade deficit” up now?”
Of course. Since business has increased and Americans have more money to spend, they spend it. The manufacturing of many goods remains out of the country so the deficit goes up. As manufacturers bring back manufacturing to the USA the deficit will eventually drop. This takes time.
Your prediction was a failing economy with much higher prices and neither have occurred. Anyone could predict that increased business levels and more money would increase the deficit for the short term. Point us to your prediction or it didn’t happen.
“HAVE American businesses, workers, consumers, and farmers been hurt by the stupid Bernie Sanders trade policy that your cult leader dictatorially imposed via lying about his pretext?”
Just your everyday prog inspired basket of bullshit. It’s not a Bernie Sanders trade policy, and no the vast majority of Americans are benefitting from the Trump economic policy.
Trump has done nothing “dictatorial”
Ms. Pelosi“Ragspierre”.Bonus comment –
Remember when I told you Trump would be the most effective conservative president in the last 50 years? Remember how you worshipped Mark Levin?
Mark Levin says Trump has been the most conservative president in the last 50 years.
rags rote:
IS the “trade deficit” up now?
A few weeks ago you defended your position on free trade by telling us that the trade deficit was meaningless. Are you now rejecting that position?
No, dim bulb. I was making the point that it DOESN’T matter, is no indicator of anything real.
“Your prediction was a failing economy with much higher prices…”
That’s two stupid lies. The economy is MUCH bigger than Duh Donald. It was waiting to strongly expand under ANY not-Barrackula.
But prices affected by the Progressive tariffs imposed by diktat by you cult leader ARE up. They can’t help but be, you economics moron.
The “trade deficit” with CHINA is up. DO you read?
The Bernie Sanders trade policy is the Duh Donald trade policy, you ignorant thug. They’ve slobbered all over each other on this, along with Schmuck Shumer and the AFL-CIO. You need to read.
I don’t care how you lie about me and Levin. I’ve never “worshiped” Levin or any other conservative. But that’s just how you roll. You lie. It’s all you Progressives know.
With some exceptions prices have not risen “you economics moron”.
The Chinese manufacturers have cut their price to make up the difference in the tariff. “DO you read?”
You remind me of Obama. All the credit for a superior economy is given to “built up demand”. Sorry, no sale. Trump gets credit for reviving the economy.
Mark Levin says he’s the most conservative president in the last 50 years.
How many nations are effected by the tariffs imposed by your Little Yellow God?
What a Progressive liar.
This was the plan all along.
Ragspierre, a polite word. You have seniority over me here and I have never once called for you to be removed from the site, as I am a deep believer in freedom of speech wherever possible. However, I must complain about one thing.
Daffy-sit? I had to read it three times and it made my eyes bleed even when I understood what your point was. That’s just horrible. Let’s have civilized discussions, not commit aesthetic savagery.
“All you have is bullshit name-calling.”
“You are a liar.”
“You’re a despicable T-rump sucker”
“you Progressive liar”
“You are a lying Progressive”
“you economics moron.”
“you ignorant thug”
All true.
This is not funny in any way, Rags. I simply cannot fathom why an educated, articulate person such as yourself feels the need to stoop to this level. Honestly, I don’t get it. Everyone is stating their case without resorting to childish grammar antics, but you just can’t seem to help yourself. You may have a good point, you may even be right, but no one would ever know because your presentation is a disaster of the first order.
It seems to me (and I could be wrong) that you don’t even want to make a point, you just want to “score” points. What’s the point in that? She asks pointedly.
It’s Trump Derangement Syndrome at its finest.
He’s committed. He CANNOT admit that ANYTHING Trump does is good, because that would require him to admit that he was wrong. And he simply can’t do that.
My memory may be faulty, but I don’t recall Rags railing against Trump’s decision to move our embassy to Jerusalem or . . . well, there must be something else Rags didn’t hate that Trump did. Who knows what Rags thinks, though? His horrendous–nearly illiterate in their sputtering venom–posts are unreadable.
This is ANOTHER of those times when you BOTH plead ignorance of what I say AND poo-poo me for defending myself from a coven of trolls who CANNOT refrain from attacking me personally and lying about what I HAVE said.
On THIS thread, it starts here…
And it’s picked up here…
Then it escalates as more trolls join in.
THEN you continue your patented distortion of my calling out liars as “anyone with a differing opinion”l, which is simply false. I know very well when people publish lies, and I call them on it. People can offer opinions that differ from mine, and we often can have very productive discussions. But if attacked, I can, will, and do counter-attack. This thread is a good example.
Several of the posters in this thread cannot let anything I say that critiques T-rump simply stand WITHOUT mounting a personal attack against me, while never offering a rational defense. VaGentleman is one of the worst offenders.
I CAN…and I do…let a lot of what they say go on by, conversely. I don’t care, many times, to butt heads over their worship of their cult leader.
Before you join in the nonsense here out of your own admitted ignorance, you should acquaint yourself with the several areas I approve of things done by Duh Donald, or you should have the brains to just hold your piece.
“People can offer opinions that differ from mine, and we often can have very productive discussions.”
That’s a hoot.
There was one just a few days ago, in which you agreed with me.
Actually, I have agreed with you twice in the last 6 weeks or so.
That is not a “productive discussion”. There were productive discussions pre Trump, but not since. I’m sure there is an exception somewhere, but damn few in the last couple years.
Since you’re a lawyer, with the responsibility’s of one, I would think you could spend hours on the malfeasance of, the downright criminal corruption of the DOJ and FBI including the corrupt and criminal Mueller. There you might get some admirable attention.
I thought it a quite productive discussion, and it involved more than you and me.
As to your latter “advice”, no. Thank you. I’m not interested in being of your tribe, or entering your echo-chamber. You won’t understand, being as you are ensorcelled.
My position gets me hated on by various and sundry here, which is despicable and dangerous. It’s just the mirror image of AntiFa.
rags, LAIR, rote:
My position gets me hated on by various and sundry here, which is despicable and dangerous. It’s just the mirror image of AntiFa.
It’s not your position on issues that gets you hated. It’s the lack of respect you show when dealing with anyone who disagrees with you. You claim the right to call your opponents T-rump suckers, but get all butt hurt when I apply your rules to you and call you a #NeverTrumptard. You engage in ‘word-play’ and make up insulting names for people, but think LIAR is unfair. Grow the fuck up. It’s more effective to make your point politely. You assert your point by being an asshole not because you have to, but because you want to. People here hate you because you earned their contempt one needless insult at a time. It’s your fault alone.
Polite behavior gets polite behavior in return. As with most things in life, your choices determine how others treat you.
Here, your fevered fantasies run wild.
Your projection should be obvious to anyone, but it should be especially vivid as a warning to yourself. You’re a nutter. You imagine things that simply are not there. Then you impute them to me. This is insane.
There’s never been a time on record when you responded to me with “respect”. Witness your favored styling of “rags rote” which drips with contempt. I’m just noting it for anyone reading this, since it is water off a duck’s back to me. I expect no better from a lying Progressive T-rump sucking cultist.
Your whole “open borders” bullshit meme was all about trying a “gotcha” that…like others in the past…you thought would be a cheap win. It wasn’t, of course. Because I understand things you don’t. Like economics.
It’s just who you chose to be… Every pitiful day.
‘Get this b***h under control.’
‘If this s**t doesn’t stop I’m quitting this damn show. I can’t take this much more,’ Behar [Piglet] allegedly fumed.
Producers ran to the stage in an attempt to deescalate the situation, but Behar [Piglet] continued to rant, the source said.
‘I’ve tolerated a lot of s**t on this show [web-site] but I’m at my wits’ end with this entitled b***h. Enough already! Enough already! I’m not playing nice any longer,’ Behar [Piglet] shouted, despite the studio audience being able to hear it all.
Sounds SOOOOOooooooo familiar, huh…???
“Thank you. I’m not interested in being of your tribe, or entering your echo-chamber. You won’t understand, being as you are ensorcelled.”
The only “tribe” I’m a member of is the one that represents freedom and liberty. Your attempts to label are telling, a mirror into your soul. It is you that most adheres to “tribe”, the neverTrump tribe. As for me, I no more worship Trump that I did either of the Bushes. I just recognized early someone that would attempt to act for Americans, not the wall street tribe. Your smear attempts against Trump don’t work, generally because people recognize he is the exact opposite.
“My position gets me hated on by various and sundry here, which is despicable and dangerous. It’s just the mirror image of AntiFa.”
Laughable and pathetic. You’re not even self aware. Your position has nothing to do with it. Your commenter personality is 100% responsible for the dislike of you.
Personally, I think you have a very poor memory. Remember when you declared that I was your enemy, only because I disagreed with you? That was your declaration. I respond accordingly.
Yeh. Sure.
Your future posts will belie this.
rags, LIAR, rote:
‘Get this b***h under control.’
Sounds SOOOOOooooooo familiar, huh…???
It fits you perfectly. Joy is a narcissistic #NeverTrumptard whose TDS makes her to eschew any civility as she pursues her obsession with Trump. If anyone criticizes her opinion or her tone, she lashes out with hatefilled statements and personal attacks, and NEVER accepts responsibility for her own actions. Is she your twin sister??
It will be interesting to see if the mods do anything about it, or if there is a privileged member here.
Me, I hope not. “Ragspierre” is what I find in the dictionary under hypocrisy. He’s entertainment, nothing more.
Some of his more onerous posts are removed, but your and VAGentleman’s responses are often better than the wrist slap of a post removal could ever be.
I’m sorry, Fuzzy, but with all due respect, and I do respect you, didn’t you close the Forum section this weekend? Why, to sanitize it because it was out of control? Now it’s over here. You have been trying wrist slaps for months; they haven’t worked. Any response from me or anyone else is just that, a response; the damage is done before we reply.
Imagine if we all started to behave like he does; LI would be a cesspool. He is being treated like a privileged character, and he will not change. I asked him:
“When you call people ‘T-rump suckers’, collectivist thugs, make up nasty names for them, and all your other attempts to abuse and dehumanize your opponent, I call you on it. Like them, your mental state blinds you to your own faults.”
His reply was to justify his behavior:
Ragspierre | November 29, 2018 at 2:10 pm
There are T-rump suckers. You can deny that. You lie all the time. They demonstrate who they are, and that never “dehumanizes” them. They are tragically human followers of a cult of personality.
There are collectivist thugs. They have a long record of their support for collectivism and their own thuggery. There’s no effort on my part to either “abuse” or “dehumanize” them. On the contrary, I go to some effort to make sure I don’t refer to them as “rats” (common among some commenters here) or other such terms.
I like word-play, which DOES take away some of the conceit of people who don’t deserve to wrap themselves in terms like “VAGentleman” when you so obviously are not that.
But, you, again, are a lying hypocrite who is VERY selective about who you attack.
You attack me, because you can’t help it, and because you’re a T-rump sucking cultist. You can’t help it.
The tragically funny part of that is when he accuses me of being selective in who I attack, like that’s wrong. This is a man who doesn’t see anything wrong with his behavior and is NOT going to change. As he also said, they can’t find a reason to throw me out. That’s his standard – push to the max.
Another reply he gave to Carl displayed his narcissism:
Ragspierre | November 26, 2018 at 1:32 pm
Here’s how your man-crush and I a VERY, VERY different, “Carl”.
I know what I’m talking about, and have spent a lifetime learning about what I advocate.
I don’t lie.
I am devoted to liberty, small government, and integrity.
I hate stupid people gassing on topics they don’t begin to comprehend. I consider them dangerous. You and Duh Donald consider them sages.
You’ve proven you warmly hate me solely because I’ve demonstrated what a dope you are on several fronts, just by pointing out certain empirical truths…like investment is a subset of trade.
You can’t refute what I say, so you hate on me instead of learning.
How sick and sad is that…???
The rest of us should not have to endure being called a liar when we disagree with him, and endure his insulting names and characterizations. But, as he says above, he is unrepentant; asking us to put up with it is a double standard.
What would you do with an employee who treated your customers as he does? What would you do with an employee who treated your other employees as he does? What would you do with a guest who treated your family as he does?
Heyas VaGentleman, no I didn’t close the forum and was not aware that it was closed. The only person who wields that kind of power is the prof, and he must have his reasons (gee, let’s guess what they might be).
Likewise, I have no control over site bans. I can remove posts and do when I see one that is particularly objectionable per the prof’s “you know it when you see it” rubric.
We don’t want to ban Rags. We don’t actually want to ban anyone.
I hate that Rags calls everyone a liar for holding an opinion that doesn’t gel with his, but that’s hardly a ban-worthy move. He can call everyone a liar all day long, but that doesn’t make anyone a liar. Everyone knows this. Rags is just . . . well, kind of sad. Banning Rags won’t do a thing; ignoring him, though, is worth a try. Stop feeding him, and he’ll stop being so awful (I hope).
I really can’t do more than offer this advice, but I think it’s sound. Without you to rail against, what’s he got? Leave him be, and he’ll either pull it together or not. Either way, it’s not your problem. This is just a website, and Rags is just a commenter here. He’s taking up way too much time in all of our heads. Ignore him. He won’t go away, but he may become more socially-acceptable when he gets that his ad hominem and juvenile antics elicit nothing but silence.
This is a GREAT example of the crap that’s falsely posted about me.
This puke called me a “whore” just hours ago, and NEVER loses a chance to personally attack me instead of either 1) holding his piece, or 2) mounting a rational defense of any critique I make against his cult leader. It’s a ridiculous pattern with him, and a knee-jerk reaction you can see all the time here.
For you, rags:
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me
I think I’ll go eat worms!
Big fat juicy ones
Eensie weensy squeensy ones
See how they wiggle and squirm!
Down goes the first one, down goes the second one
Oh how they wiggle and squirm!
Up comes the first one, up comes the second one
Oh how they wiggle and squirm!
I bite off the heads, and suck out the juice
And throw the skins away!
Nobody knows how fat I grow
On worms three times a day!
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me
I think I’ll go eat worms!
Big fat juicy ones
Eensie weensy squeensy ones
See how they wiggle and squirm!
If the rules are the least common denominator as established by rags, I assume we can all use that as our standard of behavior?
See? You can’t help but attack me personally.
As above, I wrote a response to a question. You didn’t approve, and you typified it as “justifying”. I don’t need to do that for you or anyone else here.
Then you called me (stupidly) a “narcissist”, which is the furthest thing from true, and just another name-calling lie.
You can’t help it. You’re pitiful.
How much over 24 hours ago did you call be a “nevertrumptard”, you lying hypocrite?
There are #NeverTrumptards. You can deny that. You lie all the time. They demonstrate who they are, and that never “dehumanizes” them. They are tragically human followers of a cult of personality.
There you go again.
See? It’s more than you can do to just STFU. This is your knee-jerk MO.
There MAY be “nevertrumptards”. The record shows I am a T-rumpRealist. You can’t deal with it.
rags, LIAR,
I quoted your rule back to you. I’m using it when I deal with you. Just as you get to decide who you call T-rump suckers, I get to decide who I call #NeverTrumptards. If you dispute me, you’re a liar. You are a #NeverTrumptard and a liar. You are a member of the cult of #NeverTrump. You lie about anyone who defends him. My decision, and I know what I’m talking about and I never tell a lie. (Again, your rules.)
Your rule: I like word-play, which DOES take away some of the conceit of people who don’t deserve to wrap themselves in terms like “VAGentleman” when you so obviously are not that.
Word-play: rags, LIAR = Legal Insurrection’s Asshole in Residence.
rags, LIAR – has a nice ring!
Your rules, rags, LIAR; Your rules.
You’re proving everything I’ve ever said about you.
Hell, rags, LIAR, I’m just behaving like you do. If you don’t like me, you must really hate yourself.
Are you calling Barry a liar because you aren’t entertaining? Hahahahahahaha
HAVE American businesses, workers, consumers, and farmers been hurt by the stupid Bernie Sanders trade policy that your cult leader dictatorially imposed via lying about his pretext?”
Have American businesses, workers, consumers, and farmers been hurt by the status quo, “Normal” trade agreements as existed prior to Trump?
The short answer is “no’.
The longer answer is “to what do you refer?”
A further answer is “trade agreements are negotiated and re-negotiated and enforced all the time without imposing new taxes (tariffs) on the American economy, so what status quo are you talking about?”.
What he’s saying: Grassley said he would take a favorable view of legislation limiting the administration’s power to impose tariffs to protect national security (known as Section 232 authority). “Maybe the definition of national security or maybe the conditions under which national security could be used as an excuse is a little wide,” he told Axios.
Why it matters: Grassley’s frankness about supporting this type of effort will cheer free traders. The concept of constraining Section 232 power isn’t new, but Republicans thus far have been loath to defy Trump.
That could be changing. Members of Congress sound increasingly worried they’ll need to block the president from putting massive new tariffs on auto imports. Trump already used Section 232 to tax steel and aluminum, and he is now looking to use it to impose tariffs of more than 20% on foreign cars.
A bit late, but a good idea…