Trump Reelection Campaign, RNC Merge Into One Body Called ‘Trump Victory’

President Donald Trump has shown us that he does things differently and his 2020 reelection campaign is no different.

Politico reported that Trump’s reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) will merge into one group named Trump Victory.

From Politico:

The goal is to create a single, seamless organization that moves quickly, saves resources, and — perhaps most crucially — minimizes staff overlap and the kind of infighting that marked the 2016 relationship between the Trump campaign and the party. While a splintered field of Democrats fight for the nomination, Republicans expect to gain an organizational advantage.There is another benefit as well: With talk of a primary challenge to Trump simmering, the act of formally tying the president’s reelection campaign to the resource-rich national party will make it only harder for would-be Republican opponents to mount a bid.“We are going to streamline this presidential campaign like no presidential campaign has been streamlined before,” said Chris Carr, a veteran party strategist who has been tapped to serve as political director on the Trump reelection effort.Speaking to the departure from presidential campaign tradition, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called it “the biggest, most efficient and unified campaign operation in American history.”

Usually the incumbent president has his own campaign that works with the national committee of his party.

Politico called Trump’s campaign more as “a stark expression of Trump’s stranglehold over the Republican Party.”

However, it looks like it might be the right strategy after the confusion that took place in Michigan and Florida in 2016, two key states for elections:

By melding the Trump campaign and the RNC field programs, party officials hope to avoid the tensions that hampered the 2016 effort. In one notable instance, Trump organizers in Florida bitterly clashed with committee officials who’d been dispatched to the state — a dispute that led to a late personnel shake-up in the all-important battleground.In other key states like Michigan, party officials recalled confusion between the two sides over how to plan for rallies and get-out-the-vote events.

Trump ended up winning both states.

Republican strategist Scott Jennings, who worked for President George W. Bush and Mitt Romney, appears to like this idea after the 2004 Bush reelection campaign had some tension with the RNC:

The setup contrasts sharply with past Republican presidential bids, which were divided between official campaigns and the national committee. Veterans of George W. Bush’s 2004 effort — regarded as a model for how reelection campaigns should function — recall isolated instances of tension with the RNC.“While we had good cohesion in my experience on the ground in three presidential campaigns, it’s always better when chains of command are unified,” said Scott Jennings, a longtime Republican strategist who worked on the George W. Bush and Mitt Romney White House bids. “It improves efficiency and heads off rivalries about who had what organization on their business card.”

Trump’s campaign will base its headquarters in Rosslyn, VA, which is where his political advisors met with top officials in the RNC. They offered ideas how the campaign “will be organized and financed, and how they expect to function.”

It sounds like a decent move to me, especially since the Democrat Party is in disarray and doesn’t really have a front runner for the 2020 election.

Trump’s 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale appears in a new ad where he asks people to call and leave a message thanking Trump for everything he has done.

Tags: RNC, Trump 2020