Student Arrested for Allegedly Threatening to Kill Prof Over 7 AM Exam
“this is my confession to a premeditated murder”

Not everyone is a morning person, but this is a little extreme, don’t you think?
The Hill reports:
Florida student arrested for threatening to kill professor over 7 am exam
A student at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) was arrested after he posted a message on Twitter that threatened to kill his professor for scheduling an exam early in the morning.
FAU police arrested Rafael Decomas last week after receiving a tip about a Twitter post from Decomas, according to local news outlet WPTV.
His Twitter post stated “i gern (expletive) kill dis professor bey this is my confession to a premeditated murder” in a direct tweet to another user appearing to be his girlfriend.
Decomas is a commuter student and was upset he would have to wake up at 5 a.m. to be able to get to campus by 7:00 a.m., according to police reports.

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For extra credit, he can write a paper on his experiences within the justice system as one who threatened murder and was caught.
Maybe he’ll get book and movie deals?
Wow, buddy. Good luck with real life when you get there.
i gern (expletive) kill dis professor bey
I ask you, sir, what sort of word is that?
Oh, he is probably an Ebonics Major.
THAT is not a student.
That is a thug just temporarily NOT in prison, where he will spend the majority of his life.
He is far too stupid to be in school…….a stupid mind is a waste of time…..
Ah now, he a goot boy who be turning he life around.
As it were, I would not be particularly receptive to 07:00 exams, either. Still, threatening to kill someone over it does not solve his problem which is getting out of bed and being somewhere, on time, and ready to perform.
Not a twitter user, but is a direct tweet private?
Was it his gf who barked him out?
I know this all too well. With 2 full majors at a school that prohibited combined majors or double counted credits, one had to navigate class schedules. Ultimately getting Friday and Saturday off was more important than the mornings.
I wonder what his course of study is? Something tells me it’s not one of The STEMs, nor is it music or art.
Affirmative action student? With that kind of rage and entitlement, he has to be.
Maybe he read moooochelle obama’s hate book before he made the threat.
On a lighter and more useless note (at this point in events, anyway) the teacher was doing this moron and the rest of the class a favor by training them to accomplish things they do not think they can accomplish – namely, performing on a test at 7am.)
This deranged cretin Rafael Decomas l thought the penalty for interrupting his late-night partying, was death.
Wonder if he’s behind any unsolved murders?
This is the cretin’s text:
“Bey i gern (expletive) kill dis professor bey this is my confession to a premeditated murder”.
Yup. He must have read moooochelle obama’s book.
This is instructive:
Pop culture ‘news’ refers to this moron as a “scholar.”
“FAU scholar arrested for allegedly threatening to kill instructor over early check: report”